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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • If your fundamental goals are dead people and just publicity, sure, then I guess this was a roaring success. Typically success for matters is defined by advancing, say, the freedom and dignity of the Palestinians suffering under oppression, though. And by that very reasonable metric, no, this whole thing has been a catastrophic failure on the part of Hamas, the group that (violently) usurped governance of Gaza years ago. There is unlikely, and this was predictable from the get-go, to be any substantive advancement of the benefit of the Palestinian people, or Gazans in particular. A random lemmy poster put it on a perfectly succinct and correct manner when reports of 10/7 first came out–Hamas shot every single Palestinian in both Gaza and the West Bank square in the dick this time.

  • I really don’t see how this could possibly be “the most success they’ve ever had against Israel.” Public support is still very much mixed, Israeli support has been all but fucking obliterated as the country shifts hard right in response, Gaza has been predictably utterly devastated, and the settler fuckwits are being given a blind eye by both the Israeli government and people now to thoroughly escalate their intrusions and crimes. The only “success” to come out of this entire situation is that Hamas I guess, as well as Likudnik ahitheads and worse, are reapectively experiencing massive rally round the flag gains.

  • This is wild revisionism that keeps getting spread around right now just for “some reason.” In case you’re being sincere, you understood wrong. He greenlit operations with far less stringent oversight on civilian casualties, lured an enemy general to an assassination with false pretenses, dramatically loosened up rules of engagement, increased drone deaths immensely while ratfucking transparency on drone operations, and explicitly wanted to use us military as literal mercenaries. No, Trump was not at all a “peaceful” president or administration.

  • What are attention mechanisms of not being aware of what it has said so it can inform what it is about to say? Ultimately, I think people saying these generative models aren’t really “intelligent” boils down to deciding they don’t like the impact these things are having and are going to have on our society and characterizing them as a fancy statistical curve lets people short circuit that much harder conversation.