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Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Color-safe bleach seems to be Hydrogen Peroxide based, so you were probably safe.

    Traditional Sodium Hypoclorite bleach should never be mixed with vinegar. That can release chlorine gas which is very bad for you even at low concentrations.

    In general, use one cleaning agent at a time with thorough rinses in between. It can be hard to predict how cleaning agents will react. You’re likely to reduce the effectiveness of them by mixing, and there’s a chance of making dangerous byproducts.

  • I’m sure avoiding contaminating the sample was the requirement that had them acting very cautiously. The comments saying that an angle grinder could have it open in 5 minutes were so annoying. Of course NASA engineers could bust it open if that’s all they cared about. The whole point of collecting a sample is to take extremely precise measurements of the contents. Any grinding wheel or saw, would risk adding contamination that would mess up the analysis.

  • I got long covid from an infection before the vaccines were available.

    Getting the vaccination and boosters noticeably worsened my existing long covid symptoms. I still got the boosters because I assume a reinfection would be much worse than the vaccine’s effects. If I ever thought I could reasonably avoid risk of future infections I would not choose to get more boosters, but since exposure is inevitable, I’ll deal with the consequences of the booster.

    When essentially everyone has had exposure to covid your statement can’t actually be tested. We don’t have a cohort of people we know got vaccinated but were never exposed to the virus.

    Anyway, the vaccine is worth getting because the alternative is being exposed to the virus without protection, but that doesn’t mean the vaccine is actually free of side effects for everyone.

  • Oh for sure. I do my best to avoid Amazon because most listings are full of made up lies. I know marketing is full of half truths and exaggerations, but I despise shopping at places that try so hard to deceive me.

    I just brought up Amazon since Amazon and monoprice are the most common options I see mentioned when people ask for alternatives to the overpriced options at best buy or whatever.

    Industrial suppliers can be more expensive, but the time and aggravation saved by shopping by specifications you can trust is frequently worth a modest price premium. I’ve switched to Digikey and McMaster for a number of personal purchases after realizing how much of a mental toll deceptive marketplaces carry.

  • This was pretty close to being true for 1080p and lower resolutions. If you get a 4k 120hz HDR display then bandwidth and signal integrity start becoming very important. The article you linked is rather old and really only considers media up to 4k 30fps. Cable quality especially matters at lengths above 4 ft for uhd and higher.

    There’s a lot of snake oil so you can’t just trust marketing claims. I’ve had terrible luck with cables that claim to support high resolutions from amazon and even monoprice. I’ve resorted to buying cables from actual electronics suppliers like digikey since their speed ratings should be accurate.

  • Other countries should also be looking at adding forest area and wetlands in a strategic fashion to improve freshwater retention. Deforesting clearly changes local climates. So we should be able to do the reverse as well.

    Historical accounts make it sound like the vast majority of land east of the Mississippi in the US used to be old growth forest. Between the chestnut blight and over 200 years of logging, most of the old growth forest is gone.

    India has had some notable successes with a grassroots movement to get rural communities to do small earthworks projects to colllect water during the rainy season and let it seep into the ground. They have demonstrated a notable reduction in crop failures during the dry season resulting from the community action.

  • In a vacuum c=nu*lamba or the speed of light is equal to the frequency times wavelength. So nu=c/lamba. If you plot 1/x, you don’t get a straight inverse line. You get a multiplicative inverse. So not only is the data flipped, but it also has a distortion that will compress portions and stretch others.

    As to why the functions peak at different colors, I believe this is due to an oddity in the axis units. Notice how the irradiance is in W/m^2/nm in the first and W/m^2/THz in the second. Are you familiar with histograms? Think of it like binning the power intensity per nm bin and power intensity per THz bin. Since THz and nm are inversely related, the width of the bins is changing when the basis is changed. This leads to another stretching in the data that is less intuitive.