Asking where someone’s from is already racist. As white, no one ask me where I am from, or only in late conversation for specific reason. My non-white wife get this question every single time she met a new person.
Asking where someone’s from is already racist. As white, no one ask me where I am from, or only in late conversation for specific reason. My non-white wife get this question every single time she met a new person.
Il est en avance sur son temps! On est que 11ans ap. CC
For a non English speaking person, what is a « skip level » person ?
So now I am curious. What is this community that was missing ?
Le Hamas se défend de 70 ans de colonisation. Oui c’est horrible ce qui a été fait, mais c’est pas comparable à ce que fait Israël.
Respect à toi d’avoir politisé cette question. Il est toujours bon de rappeler que ces questions, in fine, servent l’extrême droite, que ce soit conscient ou non.
So around 3,33 bananas
Parler de xénophobie lorsqu’on se surnomme Camus, c’est un peu l’hôpital qui se fout de la charité non ?
Can someone tell mi why there is a Belgian flag ? I don’t read spanish. Is that just a random picture or is it related to the article ?
And Spez
J’ai pas compris. Est ce que tu dis que parce que l’état autoritaire fait de la censure politique sous prétexte de modérer la haine, alors il vaut mieux ne pas modérer du tout les forums et réseaux sociaux ?
Cela me semble dangereux et ouvre un boulevard (déjà bien ouvert) à l’extrême droite. Un bon exemple de cela est Twitter: sans modération le réseau exprime librement les idées racistes, sexistes, antisemites,… et censure toujours autant les idées socialistes.
Par ailleurs, mon commentaire précédent parle de modération, pas de censure.
Modérer la haine et la violence n’a rien d’autoritaire. Où je comprends mal ton message ? Cela dit, dissolution, 49-3 et compagnie sont des belles preuves d’autoritarisme, ça c’est certain.
Working for a tech company, working from home is allowed. Each employee receive a monitor, mouse, keyboard,… to be able to work from home. During Covid, my wife who is working for a social organisation, had to work from home, on a super small pc without any equipment provided. One day, I went to my office, took a screen and went back home with it. We still have it now. #wishRobinHood
I also took a bowl to put water for my cat.
If I am not mistaken, accordingly to the Big Bang theory, all particules were created at the same time. Not before or after, or few of them but all of them at the same time.
No new electrons/quarks/… were created since then.
Hamas didn’t do a terrorist attack. A war crime, sure. A terrorist attacked, no.
I checked after seeing this post. Same for me. They had a slightly different names
To be fair, it is more correct to say « France is a racist country hiding behind laïcité and feminism to justify their Islamophobia. »
US used the atomic bomb and torture. Even without that I would classify the USA in the « evil » category seeing how the social laws works (healthcare, holidays, school, guns,…).
Still they are there and not close to disappear.
I think evil is not self defeating. Evil fails when Good unit and fight. It is and always was a struggle. Good as to fight to win over Evil.
And why is it in Europe ? Because of the past social movements that fights for social rights. The kind of stuff unknown in liberal countries.