Holier than thou? Hahaha. They’re not actively harming humans, forcing their dipshit religion on anyone. Care about human rights, care about having women decide to have an abortion or not. Unlike your kind.
Just fuck off mate.
Holier than thou? Hahaha. They’re not actively harming humans, forcing their dipshit religion on anyone. Care about human rights, care about having women decide to have an abortion or not. Unlike your kind.
Just fuck off mate.
Lather and then I go “wax on, wax off” all over myself. Relather as I go.
Shut the fuck little man.
Every single cult is.
Another country that should never have been allowed into the EU. Fucking dipshits went from a secular nation to a religious hellhole.
Well that went over your head.
Let me guess, you live in the U.S.
My suggestion, move away from that cesspool and towards more developed parts of the globe.
Religion.what a fucking joke.
You make the choices you make, that includes the people you interact with.
I prefer not to interact with paper thin personalities that buy Apple products.
People that buy Apple are some of the most superficial beings on this planet.
Who gives a fuck about text bubbles?
Find friends that aren’t so shallow.
They are the product of generations of inbreeding and religious brainwashing.