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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 14th, 2023


  • It’s not enough for YOU to vote. We ALL need to vote. And not just in the Presidential election. In all elections, including local, state, and most importantly PRIMARIES. We have an FPTP Voting System, which trends us towards a 2 Party system.

    In such a voting system, the only way to meaningfully change the position of the parties is to make sure the party is compromised of and is led by people who share your positions and who will actually represent your interests effectively.

    1 person voting in a general election that’s already narrowed down to a few swing states isn’t going to do it. Get everyone you know to get off their asses and vote in primaries, in general elections, and any other local elections you can manage.

    If you only have time to vote in one election? Make it the primary for your party.

    Voting is the lowest hanging fruit. It will cause the biggest impact for the least amount of effort. If we cannot get our asses to polls we aren’t going to get our asses up to do anything harder than voting. Not until people get much more desperate, much hungrier, and much more miserable. I think our voter turnout for primary elections is around 20%. We should be ashamed of ourselves.

    Imagine a world where the shittiest candidates were all weeded out months before the general election. That’s what the Primaries are for.

  • Nope, I simply answered nonsense with nonsense. You don’t get to create some nonsensical Kobayashi Maru scenario with vague definitions and ambiguous starting parameters.

    Let’s get real. You want to know what I would do in response to the initial terrorist attack that Israel faced? It wouldn’t be genocide against Gaza. My response would be rooted in the truth that you cannot rule without consent of the governed. The entire reality that Israel was trying to live was a sham that was never going to be a stable solution.

  • I played Overwatch until my mind realigned. Not joking. I was frustrated that running into irrational people in that game would in turn make me irrational. I figured, the opposite should be true too. Rationality should be able to calm and blunt irrationality. And once I realized that, it kind of became an academic exercise to me. I was nice and friendly on purpose and the quality of all my matches went through the roof. Even games that were loses were agreed to be excellent matches by both teams. Which sounds like ridiculous fiction, but it’s the truth.