What’s weird is claiming the book is “incredibly important” but also, the author’s thoughts on the subject are so obvious that you do not need to finish the book.
What’s weird is claiming the book is “incredibly important” but also, the author’s thoughts on the subject are so obvious that you do not need to finish the book.
Lol you’re saying with a chapter you don’t even need to read the rest of it? And you’re a scientist?
Maybe finish the book before you decide?
Winnie vs Pooh
Fun fact i lost a regional spelling bee because of those exact words. I should have asked for usage example but I was like 11 and terrified
Iran backed group attacks American troops in Jordan.
Literally news in three countries
Oh no not SCIENCE
Ooh I know this one
When it’s a jar!
World of Tanks/World of Warships?
Neither uses especially real locations, and teams are made up of players regardless of the national origins of their respective vehicles. So my buddy in a Soviet T-34 can battle alongside my Sherman M4. There’s no overarching “nation vs nation” story to either game.
Only if they have it coming
Clown car!
Los Viagras? Seriously? That’s the best cartel name they could come up with?
We’ve been using beaded curtains, but I find trying to swing on them like Tarzan is impractical, so I just use mild horizontal force to push the beads aside instead
Fetal alcohol syndrome?
Well, you said “pretending they have value” and while the value isn’t what we want it’s still real enough
The question you should be asking is “are mRNA vaccines riskier than getting the diseases they’re intended to prevent”
This i tell ya, brother
IDK, I only read the first line of your comment