• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • this axis of evil is very funny to me because it’s just clearly from the American perspective…

    I hope America isn’t the only country that sees rampant human rights violations, state sponsored starvation, ethnic cleansing, and the destruction of female rights as evil. But if that’s truly the case, I’ll go ahead and subscribe to that criticism. I’m not sure taking a “That’s rich coming from the US!” stance here is the gotcha moment you think it is. The US isn’t without fault but, defending these groups from the labels they’ve been given by the West is like saying the term “death squads” is funny when referring to the Einsatzgruppen because the Allied powers also used toxic gasses during the first world war.

  • Consider: Pirate everything. It’s just a race to the bottom. The average you can charge for an ad tiered service will just continue shifting up as each streaming service gently increases their ad-free prices. If it was ~$15/mo avg before this, now Netflix sees the avg price go to $15.57/mo. If you’re going to increase the price by 57¢ you might as well make it a nice round $1…Then Hulu sees the average go to $16.13 so then they need to increase their prices. So on and so forth until we’re back to paying $60/mo like we did for cable TV.

    And here’s the kicker. They’re legally obligated to do this because they could be sued by shareholders for not trying to make more money. And that’s without mentioning that they actually prefer people to watch the ads because they generate more revenue from sponsored advertising. Pirating is ethical and cool. Paying subscription fees to trillion dollar corporations is cringe.

  • That’s a pretty staunch oversimplification. The republic was doing what almost all democratic republics are doing right now. The wage gap between the political elite and the common people was widening and the senate wanted status quo, but Julius Caesar was gaining popularity and large amounts of wealth by giving his soldiers better pay than most Roman commanders at the time and using their superior training to conquer Gaul and Spain.

    Because of their pay, his soldiers were better trained, more loyal, and morale was kept high due in large part to his own fighting ability and tactical prowess. With each and every success on the battlefield he gained more followers. The Roman Senate grew jealous and thought he was a threat to the Roman way of life and exciled Caesar from the heart of the Roman empire. Caesar and his army could not cross the Rubicon River else he wage war with the empire itself. Caesar said, “F you guys, I’m taking over.” And installed himself as emperor of Rome after leading his army across the Rubicon and to the Roman Forum. He did alright for awhile, redistributing wealth and taking care of the Roman commonors but then the Roman elite started to do not so alright according to some conspirators and in turn decided Caesar should also not do alright, so they done killed him. Then his grand nephew Augustus took over as the “first emperor” 17 years later. And he did so alright that we collectively decided to name the month of August after him and July after his great uncle.

  • There’s several factors at play here. An athletic heart is not only more efficient down to the conductance of the cardiac tissue, but it also has a larger stroke volume. With those 120 bpm each beat could be pumping 40cc of blood while in the other heart each beat might only be able to pump 30cc. This is because an athletic heart is able to more fully contract to squeeze out all of the internal volume. Think of the conductance of the heart as a snowy hillside. The first time you take a sled down the hill the snow hasn’t been compacted to make a path. The more often you take your sled down that path, the more compacted it gets and the faster you and your sled will go down the hill the next time. Plus I haven’t even mentioned blood pressure decreasing in an athlete due angiogenesis and dilation of already present veins and arteries.

    So to summarize, it’s not just bpm that need to be accounted for here. You also have to consider:

    • conductance lowering the cardiac impulse threshold
    • stroke volume
    • blood pressure
    • levels of contraction