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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • So name a law BEFORE the invasion (2014)… Remember you are trying to justify the illegal invasion. It looks like the stuff you list was in response to the invasion.

    Let me think… Why would countries want to join NATO. could it be Moldova, Georgia, Abkhazia… Seems like there is a need. Seems like Putin is trying to rebuild the USSR.

    Okay, the Soviets used Nazi slogans, got it

    Wow, Stalin not that bad? He’s not as bad as Hitler but still close. Stalin was just over a longer span of time. To the point the Soviet union even tried to De-Stalinization the Soviet union. My parents grew up under Soviet oppression and it was not a good time.

  • You’re the one making claims of laws that are responsible for ethnic cleansing, so you should be able to provide some examples.

    There are no nukes in the Baltic states (they are already NATO members but Ukraine isn’t), why would they put nukes in the Ukraine? Plus the US and Russia could already hit anywhere in the world already. So, it’s a made up threat to try to justify an invasion.

    Slogans can have different meanings depending on context. If Ukraine was invading other countries, then Glory to Ukraine might sound like they are superior but if they are defending it sounds like they will be victorious. Plus, Slava Ukraine sounds more like a the Soviet union slogan “glory to the motherland.”

    Man, if you think that historical context are excuses. You could never read a history book then… Which might actually explain a lot…

    Putin did break the treaty he invaded the boarders of Ukraine. You can’t illegally invade a country then have an illegal vote to declare a breakaway regions under an military occupation.

    Stalin defeated the Nazis then proceeded to kill millions of people… And you wonder why so many former Soviet countries want to join NATO for protection. One monster replaced with another.

  • Please list some laws.

    What was the threat against Russia? Were they going to invaded Russia? Ukraine barely had an army. Ukraine gave up it’s nuclear weapons in the 1990s in exchange for security protections, signed by Russia, Ukraine, Britain and the United States, promised that none of the nations would use force or threats against Ukraine and all would respect its sovereignty and existing borders (Budapest Memorandum). Putin broke that treaty and is trying to create his dollar store version of the Soviet union by invading other countries.

    So, explaining historical context is apologizing for Nazis?

    Slava Ukraine is said by Ukraine, I never said it wasn’t. But you never explained how that makes them Nazis. If Ukraine was invading other countries, it might have a different meaning but it’s just them defending their country. If their slogan was “heil Hitler” you might have a point.

    Wow, thousands of wanna-be neo-Nazis!!! Out of a population of 43 million. So, like .002% of the population!!! You’re right, that’s not a minority!

    I say the picture of zelenskyy is fake… If I just say it, it must be true.

    Okay, Stalin. So, you just resort to name calling… I can too. Hitler and Stalin were monsters and it’s sad to see that Putin is acting like a mashup of the two of them.

  • So there is overwhelming evidence of ethnic cleansing? I have yet to see any. In the age of cell phones, there would be so much evidence.

    I’m sure there are some people in Russia asking the United States to remove the dictator Putin from power… Yet, the United States didn’t invade Russia. You don’t get to just invade a sovereign country because a very small number of people asking.

    That’s your evidence of being the Nazi collaborator flags in the background? Ukrainian Insurgent Army fought with the Nazis trying to free Ukraine from the soviets, as some fought with soviets to free Ukraine from the Nazis. Both were fighting to free Ukraine. Finland joined the Nazis, not because they agreed with the Nazis but to fight against the invading soviets.

    Sadly there are many places that have neo-nazis, but they are in the minority. Neo-nazis exist in places hurt by the Nazis greatly, like Poland, France, Britain and even Russia.

    Here is Putin standing with a Russia Nazi: https://romea.cz/_next/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fromea.cz%2Fapp%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F02%2Futkin.jpg&w=1200&q=75

    And you just attack a slogan that basically says victory to Ukraine from the invaders? Now you’re not even trying

  • “A confidential source told the FBI that Stager had claimed he did not know the man was a police officer and thought he was striking a member of the far-left Antifa movement.”

    “second video shows Stager saying: “Everybody in there is a treasonous traitor. Death is the only remedy for what’s in that building,” in apparent reference to members of Congress and law enforcement.”

    A. I guess it’s just okay to beat someone you disagree with, right?

    B. Also, why would anti-fascist, want to instate a wannabe fascist?