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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I think there would be more sympathy if Cloudflare pointed to a specific limit breached and proposed ways to get into compliance at their current price plan.

    “Service XYZ is now consuming 500% of expected quota. Shut it down or we need to get you on a bigger plan.” is actionable and meaningful, and feels a little less like a shakedown.

    I’m sick of “unlimited” services that really mean “there’s a limit but we aren’t going to say what it is.” By that standard, freaking mobile telecoms are far more transparent and good-faith players!

    Perhaps this also represents a failing in Cloudflare’s product matrix. Everyone loves the “contact sales for a bespoke enterprise plan” model, but you should be creating a clear road to it, and faux-unlimited isn’t it. Not everyone needs $random_enterprise_feature, so there’s value in a disclosed quota and pay-as-you-scale approach: the customer should be eager to reach out to your sales team because the enterprise plan should offer better value than off-the-rack options at high scale.

  • The US is desperate to rattle sabres with China.

    I suspect there’s a lot of nostalgia for the Cold War in the US gerontocracy. They were the centre of the “free world”, who had to accept American foreign policy on a “you’re with us or against us” basis, and they had a permanent excuse to splash cash on defense bric-a-brac, all without the political snafu of actually going to war.

    It feels like the PRC avoided being a 1:1 replacement for the USSR; they never represented a “They’ll nuke Dubuque” threat, so you couldn’t rally support the same way. And the West is too wedded to cheap imports and entranced by new markets to accept a hard trade cutoff right now, so they pick little fights (semiconductors, EVs, TikTok) hoping to make bold gestures. Behind the gestures, it’s not about a direct military or national security angle (if people are using social media on military bases, that’s a discipline breach whether it’s TikTok or Facebook) so much as trying to push back the day that the US is not the unquestioned dominant economic and military power.

    So in n years when the courts finally sort it out, TikTok will fire-sale to someone who doesn’t know what to do with it and let it rot, 90% of the users will have long ago moved on to the next social platform with a 5-year lifespan, and a bunch of foreign investors will have a bitter taste that if you make a product Americans willingly choose, their free-market-loving government will screw up your commercial investment to punish you for being Communist.

  • This is the firmware I’ve been working on. Basically I wrote it because at the time (early 2023) there wasn’t a “good” keyboard firmware like QMK or ZMK for the CH32V305. Now it supports keyboards, joysticks, and a rudimentary pointing device made out of a PS2-style analogue stick.


    That branch has the mapping I used. Note this firmware has a keyboard-centric assumption that switches are wired as a matrix (between two sense lines), even if that matrix is 1x24, rather than just grounding a sense line individually.

    The stick portion was one of those “Pandora Box” devices that was built into a cabinet and pre-wired to a crappy Android TV box.

    I bought it because I figured it was probably cheaper than cutting a decent looking cabinet and buying the buttons off AliExpress. That also meant it came with a predefined cable harness to fit the Android box. In the hopes of making it tidy, and reversible, I ordered a little throwaway PCB that accepted the existing 40-pin plug and bridged it to a nanoCH32V305 breakout board. Of course, I made a design mistake, so the PCB had bodge wires, so not much was saved.

    If you’re starting from scratch, you could direct-wire to the MCU breakout board.

  • The West seems to define “democracy” in a very specific form: there MUST be multiple competing political parties and power MUST, at least in theory (compare Singapore, Mexico, etc) regularly transfer between them as the result of elections.

    This is something Western states have been able to pull off, but it’s actually sort of peripheral to the theoretical INTENT of democracy-- that the government serves the masses. Good governance is pretty much a by-product of the fear of being voted out of office.

    You can, and often do, have the all-sacred elections and peaceful transfer of power and still have a government which isn’t acting in service of its electorate. Sure, you can pick red corporate stooge or blue corporate stooge, but the Overton window is still a narrow slit that represents no real threat to the rich, and factionalism and winner-take-all elections sabotage any actual forward motion.

    Meanwhile, the single-party state, unencumbered by having to tear itself apart in battles for the throne every four years, can focus on consensus and actual needs. Good governance can come from a sense of civic duty, or even a smartly weaponized corruption (if everyone thrives, my cut of graft grows with it!)