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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • You could start as a ranch hand, especially if you know how to ride. You can work on both a regular ranch or on a “resort ranch” that focuses on tourism. You just have to find a ranch that has around that 20ish employees.

    But then it would fit all of your points. You are spending your whole day with the same group of people.

    Drifting between groups will depend a bit on your exact duties but no matter what you are going to get to know everyone and work with others occasionally.

    New things are constantly coming up to do. Your duties also change with the season. And even if there is “nothing” to do you will still hang out with the other farm hands.

    You have that authority over you in form of the ranch manager/owner.

    Pay isn’t great but it might come with free lodging, then it isn’t that bad.

  • Bush was the worse president, Trump is the worse person.

    I can see a lot of potential presidents in 2001 act the same way as Bush did, especially any other Republican. Even Gore would have gone to war in Afghanistan. Unless of course we go down the rabbit hole of could he have prevented the 9/11 attacks. The Iraq war probably would have been avoided under Gore.

    But I don’t see any other president doing the same damages that Trump did. While the current status of the Republican Party has many people just as bad as Trump, I don’t think they would have the same traction today without Trump.

    And let’s not forget the worst of Trump was prevented. If his coup would have succeeded, he would even be the worse president.

  • Faking your death should have a really dire reason for it. Just disappearing is much easier and safer. But I suppose the steps aren’t that different.

    Find a country with relaxed visa requirements. Anything where you can get married easily and obtain permanent residency will work. Solo travel to a nearby country. Find some kind of remote tourist attraction where getting lost seems plausible. Tell your friends or family you will go there. But instead of actually going there you take a land route to your final destination. Once you entered the country find someone to get married to to get permanent residency and working rights. Take their name. This step sounds harder than it is, plenty of people are willing to marry someone they just met. Don’t forget you are only doing this for the visa not to actually have a fulfilled family life. So you don’t have to love or even like them,

    You are now in a country no one even thinks about looking for you with a new name. It wouldn’t work if you are running from certain government agencies that are acively searching for you but for most other cases this should be easy enough.

    You can take this step even further. For example Argentina offers you a second nationality/passport as soon as you have a Argentinian spouse. So you could repeat the steps with your new Argentinian name/passport. I am sure you will find some Argentinian willing to marry you and then let you disappear for a couple of thousands USD.

  • I am not really sure what you mean with their settlement. If you just mean the existence of Israel, then yes it’s fine to support that. If you are talking about their actual settlement policies, then no. I don’t think supporting a system of displacing people you deem “inferior” or “unwanted” to make room for “superior” people should be supported.

    How to feel about the military response to the attacks is purely a personal choice. A fight against terrorists is never clean. And whether or not the amount of “collateral damages” is acceptable is up to you. I personally think that the attack by Hamas were extreme enough to warrent the response by the IDF. I don’t think you can expect someone to just turn the other cheek in this scenario. But I totally understand people who say any amount of civilian casualties is too much.

  • Fully agree with this. People just have a lower tolerance for mediocre content. YouTube is a great example for that. Long form content is as popular as ever, it’s just the demand of quality has risen. A few years ago Let’s Plays still did very well. Today Let’s Plays are generally falling in viewership. But that’s because Let’s Plays are mediocre quality at best. Many content creators shifted away from Let’s Plays and provide different content. But the actual video length hasn’t changed.

    Ppeople always found stuff to distract themselves with if a task is boring. As kids we would just play with pens, erasers, or anything else in our reach while studying. Today, kids just look on their smartphone instead. Re-reading the same passage over and over in boring book happens just as much today as it did 20 years ago. But today I am more likely to just not continue reading.

  • Head over to the website of the company go to the about section and read about their values. They usually list something like teamwork, communication, working autonomously, speed, or quality. You pick 2-3 of these values and that’s what you talk about when they ask about yourself.

    For the actual technical part it’s hard to prepare for. Most people don’t actually care about you being perfect but just want to see if you actually are familiar with what you said you are. So as long as you have an idea what you are talking about you will be fine.

    Even if you don’t know the answer, just come up with something that could work. Don’t just say you don’t know. Explain your train of thought as to why your solution could work. And any other ideas you might have.

  • First take some time to actually define the lifestyle you want. It’s very easy in today’s world to get tunnel vision on your career. But once you have financial stability more money doesn’t necessarily make you happier. Trying to move up the career ladder could prevent you from enjoying life. That’s where the saying “money doesn’t make happy” comes from.

    But if advancing is important to you there are still ways to achieve this. Consider moving abroad for a few years. Especially the middle east has ton of good job offers and since many people you will work with there aren’t English native speakers your pronunciation shouldn’t hold you back. UAE, Kuwait, Jordan, Bahrain all have a very vibrant expat community. They are more likely to value your experience and offer you a higher position. Then after 2-3 years you can go back with a stronger CV.

    Or you can consider picking up a remote job, move to a tropical island and enjoy a more relaxed life. That’s what I did (not as a programmer but still remote work). A salary that barely let’s you survive in the west let’s you have a very comfortable lifestyle. You only have to consider the visa issue but for most countries that means just leaving for 1-2 days every 90 days. And with the extra spare money taking short flights/vacations is easily doable.

    Both option obviously depend a bit on your social life.

    I only have very limited knowledge about programming. But I do know that some languages are fairly new. So you switching around isn’t necessarily bad. Just focus on something that’s fairly new and then you are on a level playing field.

    And if you haven’t done so yet. Spend a few bucks on a professional CV writer. If your interview rate is so low there is a good chance your CV is bad. The job market is crazy at the moment and getting tons of rejections isn’t uncommon. But with 20 years of experience it shouldn’t be that bad.

  • Hillock@kbin.socialtoWorld News@lemmy.worldA good sources on China
    10 months ago

    I can talk a bit about the censorship. Censorship can be found in every type of media and has reached extreme levels under Xi.

    First, all IPS in China have to block access to a lot of websites that are hosted outside of China. This includes sites like Google, Wikipedia, Netflix, CNN, and GitHub. Basically anything that is even slightly popular and can be used to share information or media. I am not sure if Lemmy is already on that list but if not it will be soon.

    You can circumvent this by using VPNs but that’s illegal. People usually get away with it unless they actively go against the interests of the Chinese government. So consuming western media generally is fine but getting politically active isn’t.

    Then there is a more active form of Censorship. There are a few government agencies whose purpose it is to go through all kinds of media and ban/delete anything that doesn’t align with the interests of the Chinese government. This is done automatically with stuff like image recognition software, algorithm analyzing texts, and today probably with some kind of “AI”. But also done manually by people reading through stuff. All media companies operating in China have to be compliant with this.

    So if you use something like WeChat to share to information that’s critical of the Chinese government, it simply will get deleted as soon as it’s detected. The person who sent it could get into trouble depending on what exactly they tried to share. Anything that’s detected by the automated system the other person won’t even receive.

    Movies, books, TV shows, and other forms of entertainment have to be approved before being released. This is kinda like the age rating agencies in western countries. Just way stricter and mandatory for every kind of publication or media.

    An example on how ridiculous the censorship system is: A few years ago the General Manager of the Houston Rockets tweeted “Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong.”

    This led to China disabling all NBA broadcasts for the rest of the year. The Rockets lost a lot of sponsorship money because of it. China said it will only return the broadcast if he gets fired. They returned earlier though. But a lot of popular people in the NBA spoke out against Morey for tweet, including LeBron James.

  • I don’t understand this. I am totally happy for the guy and he obviously deserves it. It’s a total dick move to fire someone so close to their retirement but the law is still very confusing.

    His contracts totaled 8 years which would make him eligible for the conversion but the article says he was just short of the 5 years. Does the law only considered contracts signed after the law passed? If so isn’t the entire point of the 5 year duration that employers can terminate the contract just before that time?

    Do you manually have to apply to convert the contract to indefinitely after 5 years and if you don’t you don’t get the benefits? In which case again, why did he receive the “special” treatment?

    I have way more questions than answers after reading the article.

  • You can host your own instance on the fediverse and not censor/moderate it. Other instances will most likely defederate yours but you can still build your own place.

    Anything that doesn’t censor and moderate only works as long as the user base is fairly small. So you won’t find people advertising it to random strangers. Otherwise it starts having to deal with things most people don’t want on their platform like illegal sexual content.

  • I would say Machinima simply filled the needs and there was no need for these kind of games to be developed on top of it. Just using existing game engines with a decent editor would always be cheaper and more popular since people are familiar with the assets. Just take a look at how many Team Fortress “movies” are out there.

    And even without editor using games was fine. World of Warcraft had a ton of videos as well.

    Tools for Machinima also saw the gradual advancements you talked about. While the initial movies produced had a lot of workarounds to get a decent end product there is now dedicated software for it. NVIDIA recently released their own version.

    On top of that with smartphones having cameras now, kids can always shoot their own movies.