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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2023


  • I would argue it’s a slightly effective form… but only if they advertise the point. There’s been plenty of times I’ve seen this for environmentalism, and people start talking about it in the comments. Not completely directly, but it gets them talking. Like when they would super glue their hands to the ground, in one video one of the protestors threw the bottle into a drain. So people started talking about how hypocritical it was because that’s bad for the environment. Which was a small thing, but the conversation was happening.

    People used to make fun activists who would throw red paint onto fashion models wearing fur. But over the years, that slowed down because designers stopped using real fur. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of it was because they were afraid of getting their stuff ruined, but now most designers won’t use fur for ethical reasons. Because they realize animals don’t need to be bred and killed for their suits.

    The only real downside is that it does make them come off as assholes, but also no real way to turn that around. Like black people would do sit ins at restaurants, and a lot of white people hated them for it… but then other white people also got to see them get abused for it. Things like that can help change people’s perspective. With this, they throw it, and then it mostly stops there. They’re just assholes. It gets the conversation going, but not enough, because it just stops at them being assholes.

  • No one buys this excuse outside of those who agree with the message of the jokes. Just because it’s told in joke form, doesn’t mean it’s not saying anything. If anything the best types of comedy are the ones where they are saying things. Like I remember a comedian talking about going to do a show, and it wasn’t until right after his set it was a show run by the KKK. If they have a comedy night and make jokes about black people, is that just joking? I mean, you can’t claim it’s racists just because it’s coming from a racist, because it’s a joke. You’re not meant to take it seriously.

  • as much as possible and in as many areas as possible.

    I do want to just take a second to highlight this. The idea of buying local and buying from people who make things instead of corporations can be hard. It’s expensive. And obviously the point is that we are all struggling. So looking at all the stuff I buy I thinking I need to spend so much more on all of that is daunting.

    We all live under the same shitty capitalistic hellscape. We can’t get out of it. We can only do what we can. Need a new dresser? A locally made one will cost you a lot. Don’t stress about not being able to afford it. If you need to, get a cheaper one.

    But for a lot of things, you can get it for just as cheap looking around on Etsy. If they have their own website where you can order it so they don’t have to pay Etsy money, even better. My boyfriend is in his last semester of nursing school, so I’m getting him a gift, and it’s custom made. It’s expensive, but most things I would get him are probably made with cheap labor in another country, and would just help prop up a large corporation.

    Does this mean everything I buy is custome made? That it’s made locally? No. I can’t afford that. But I stopped using Amazon for just about everything, have started buying from people when I can, and it’s honestly kind of nice. I got to help someone make a living doing what they want to do, instead of just working a job. So even though we can’t afford it all the time, it’s great to do it when you can, and not let the idea of it needing to be everything make us feel defeated and then never doing it.

  • I would say depending on the purpose, you can get some cheaper stuff. Like I’m not gonna expect people at a college party to make rum and cokes with the nice stuff. And they’re just shooting back tequila for fun.

    But I also still wouldn’t get bottom shelf. Its still worth avoiding that. I worked at an Albertsons liquor store back in about 2010. You could get a handle of Albertsons brand liquor for $10. Was always tempted to get some just to see how bad it is, but could never force myself to do it.

  • I recently wanted an audiobook and found out it’s only available on Audible(because of course), so I resubscribed from when I had it about 5-6 years ago. Plan was to get the book and cancel again. They have also removed audiobooks from my account. Granted, they’re still available on audible. They weren’t taken off the service. I can buy them again. But it just shows they aren’t mine anymore.

    From now on, I will pirate something before I subscribe again.

  • Feeling like a consumer is a great way to put it. It especially feels more and more like it when trying to do even the most mundane tasks. Like if you own a product but need to ask a question on Google about it, first you have to scroll past the links to pages trying to sell you the product you typed in, then you might get some reddit links, 2-3 from a smaller forum, and then more links trying to sell you the product. It will say there’s thousands of results, but it’s just the same 6 links to purchase the product over and over again. So now even basic web searches are mainly for buying stuff.

  • I think we can also show we didn’t do what people think what we did when we look at things on a time line.

    WW2 ended in 1945.

    Emmett Till was murdered in 55. 10 years later. Ruby Bridges went to what was an all white school in 1960. That was 15 years later. The Civil Rights Act happened in 1964. 19 years later. The MOVE Bombing happened in 85. 40 years later.

    The Stonewall Riots happened in 69. 24 years later. The UpStairs Lounge Arson attack happened in 73. Which was 28 years later. Harvey Milk was assassinated in 78. 33 years later. The Shelby bookstore murders happened in 87. So 42 years after.

    We can sit here and list different events all day that happened after the war. We were the good guys off fighting evil, and those soldiers would totally hate the bigotry we see today… Except there’s a good chance that tbe vast majority of them weren’t any better. Even the black soldiers still weren’t allowed to fight with the white ones. We were fighting fascism over there while it was still happening over here.

  • I also jump around with this. Like I would definitely read more. But there’s a part of me that would love to write books. But also male music. But also paint. Basically I would do something in the realm of art.

    I wouldn’t mind having a part time job doing something physical. Like I used to work at a warehouse for a medical supplies company. It was probably one of my favorite jobs. I could see myself doing that again. Gives me a reason to get out of the house, be active, and people will always need the supplies. Ironically I lost the job because we got bought out by one of the world’s largest corporations so they could make even more money, and they closed us down. So I lost that job because of capitalism.

  • One of my old roommates did it. I work in patient transportation at the hospital, and two of my coworkers did it. All of them have talked about terrible the job was. And not even because of the things people think would be terrible. Like bed pans aren’t fun. But its part of the job.

    But they’re understaffed, the managers suck because they’re all only interested in money, so they get mentally abused by the higher ups, they have to work over time to get things done so people don’t die but then get yelled at for working over time, etc. And all you said, it’s for shit pay. I don’t blame anyone for leaving those jobs. And it’s sad, because ultimately it’s the elderly who suffer from all of this.