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Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • “The IDF has taken action and will continue acting to identify misconduct and behavior that does not align with the expected morals and values of IDF soldiers,” it said in a statement sent to CNN.

    The problem is, this kind of behavior aligns perfectly with:

    In one video, a soldier is seen going through a woman’s wardrobe, including her underwear, making derogatory, sexist remarks about Arab women.

    A photo shared online shows a soldier standing next to a Hebrew sign spraypainted on a wall in Gaza that says: “Instead of erasing graffiti, let us erase Gaza.”

    The Israeli soldier looks directly into the camera, then turns around and sets a pile of food supplies on fire. “We turn on the light against this dark place and burn it until there is no trace of this whole place,” he says as another soldier fuels the flame.

    I couldn’t be more disgusted with where my tax dollars are going.

  • If you are wondering who is the commission, the United Nations has a good overview on their past and accomplishments.

    They all don’t have a history of Anti-semitism, as claimed, but more along the lines such as:

    • Human rights in Gambia vs. Myanmar
    • Human rights on housing
    • Inquiry into Detention in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

    These guys are no joke, they have done this before. But more importantly, the comment that got them suspended?

    “We are very disheartened by the social media that is controlled largely by, whether it is the Jewish lobby or it is specific NGOs, a lot of money is being thrown into trying to discredit us,” he said in the interview.

    But above all that, the excuse that Israel is using is:

    When asked by The Times of Israel what these claims were based on, Haiat said, “The commission of inquiry is there to investigate Israel without any time limits, unlike any other commission of inquiry from the UN system.

    Keep in mind, not even the investigation team knows how long it will take, so of course there won’t be a time frame. And they work for the UN, why do they need one?

  • I think Putin needs a straw man right now so that he can use as a punching bag for the elections.

    And what better one then the opposition you have locked away in your basement.

    I don’t think this will save Putin’s reputation, but I understand the strategy.

    In his way of saying “Who will you vote for? This man that faints in my dungeons?! Or me, the one who will send you all to die at the Ukrainian front for questioning me?”

    I don’t think the people of Russia will give an honest answer. But I think that is the point. Because mathematicians are standing by just waiting to analyze last years approval ratings with this years.

    Because even if you can rig an election, how much you can rig an election is very different.

    I imagine those numbers are going to tell a story of Putin’s disapproval across Russia.

  • It means stuff like heating/food will become necessary to the Russians. The Russian Meat waves are going to be a lot slower, and easier to spot with thermal.

    Russia will need thermal clothing for it’s soldiers to outlast the winter. Maybe even thermal masking clothing to just stay hidden.

    Many will die of hypothermia regardless. Fires will be too dangerous and make encampments easier to spot.

    However there is a solar storm going on, so communications this week are going to be a bit fuzzy for both sides. I fear it will hit Ukraine a bit harder then Russia, but it’s not like Russia has a good system of communication anyway beyond: Go here, take this hill, stay there until dead.

  • The approximately 40-page document, which the Israeli authorities code-named “Jericho Wall,” outlined, point by point, exactly the kind of devastating invasion that led to the deaths of about 1,200 people.

    Then, in July, just three months before the attacks, a veteran analyst with Unit 8200, Israel’s signals intelligence agency, warned that Hamas had conducted an intense, daylong training exercise that appeared similar to what was outlined in the blueprint.

    “I utterly refute that the scenario is imaginary,” the analyst wrote in the email exchanges. The Hamas training exercise, she said, fully matched “the content of Jericho Wall.”

    So they did know. They even knew the plan of attack and still did nothing.

    At best case, the officials in intelligence that made that call should be fired for incompetence. At worst case, for letting it happen.

  • Ogolobyak is said to have counted out the stabs aloud until he got to 666.

    I thought that part might be a bit over dramatized, but nope, he did it.

    "He served in the Storm Z unit for six months… He is disabled after being wounded. He can walk, but the wound was a serious one. He isn’t working yet, he’s recovering. He’s not likely to be drafted back into the special military operation

    Keep in mind that Russia is redrafting people with only 80% blindness, so if the Russian army didn’t want him after this disability, it either is a very serious disability, or he is lying.

  • Those people are population, potential labor and soldiers.

    Logistically, you are right, Russia is down a population size of about 2 million from the start of the war. Worse is that those are mostly going to be trade skill and factory workers.

    That being said, I think Putin is seeing those immigrants as more of an unstable element. In that those migrants might give your population ideas… like separation, leaving too, rebellion, or resistance. Which for a repressed Russia, would be a like lighting a match on a powder keg.

    As much as Russia needs the extra manpower, I think Russia can’t afford the potential of an insurrection.