• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Majority just means a larger number. The word has nothing to do with above 50%.

    It is just used so in parliament because all non government seats can vote against the government, so to have the largest voting block you must have more then any other group.

    As that is not the case in a constituency election, 1 vote over each other party is a referred to as a majority.

  • Only one opposed to the trend. So long while before we can be sure.

    But if it continures. Lab holds having huge reform vote. But Tory loss them being 3rd. It would support most Tories, only voting reform when they know Tories won’t win. But hesitating when a reform win is possible. (edit: possible to prevent what they see as a more sane party)

    Be interesting to see if that continues.

  • Not really a bad thing. Reform plus the Lib Dems attacking fptp. Means both right and right of centre. (Pretty much the only views available under fptp ). Will have strong options for voters to switch vote and split the fptp possibility of a win for them. This may end up the final option that forces PR of some form.

    Honestly, as close as both sides are. It’s the first time both the government and the opposition has had parties truly risking a future split in the vote.

  • How much money we have or don’t have is not important.

    What matters is how much money voters have been convinced we have. The centre and right have spent decades convincing voters taxing the rich doesn’t work.

    Little hope of changing their minds in the 6 weeks of an election campaign. People need to be putting the work in now for 10 years or so in the future. Forcing the centre and right to prove their arguments against progressive taxation.

  • The positive news. Voting reform is very unlikely to win more than 7 seats. But will split the right wing vote from Tories. Letting Lib Dems or even Labour win seats from the Tories.

    They are where fptp works for the left for a change.

    While Id def prefer a situation where a seat cannot be taken, with >60% wanting any other MP. Here it helps. While maybe convincing more voters, FPTP is shit.

  • it’ll at least shift the conversation away from deporting people to Rwanda and into more sane territory

    I agree, although the whole my lifetime is fucking arrogant and anti-democratic considering how close the vote was.

    What worries me more is failing to have any real left of centre opposition.

    This will lead to the right thinking they are safe to head far further right.

    While failing to give the public any hope of real change. So 4 to 5 years from now. What sort of choice will we have. With polling showing Tory and reform with approx 36% between them. And any real left wing opinion being irrelevant in current polling due to 0 main party representation. The centre is moving pretty far right in general.

    But then I said much the same in my late 20s prior to the 97 election. And little has convinced me I was wrong. So with any luck. My health means I won’t see the shithole we end up with.

  • Exactly. Other points worth remembering. Tory voters are more likely to be retired or otherwise wealthy enough to spare time.

    Whereas, labour voters are more likely to have multiple or 0-hour contract jobs. Meaning the press push, this is a forgone conclusion. It is much more likely to reduce Labour turnout than Tory.

    Add younger voters tend to have lower turnout. And the shy Tory history. This may still be a weak labour win, or even a Tory minority win.

    Go vote tomorrow. I’d also suggest vote tactically. If in an area where it’s practical. But that is your choice.

    As it is, voting Tory. If that is your wish. Please have fun and get very drunk tonight ;)