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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Impeachment is not a legal process, it is a political process

    Literally says this in the Constitution.

    Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

    — Article I, Section 3, Clause 7 paragraph 1 US Constitution.

    And this extends from historical basis that in days of yore political power was granted from a liege to a vassal on fief. But there existed the ability for political power to be withdrawn, a person struck from their liege’s court, and that would in turn automatically have them lose any title to their fief. That is a loss of political power could also mean a complete loss of your way of life.

    The US wanted a clear barrier between political career and personal liberty. This is why Santos is still a free man even though he got kicked out of the House (though that might change soon enough). The two are different processes and they mean different things. Just like if Trump goes to jail but hasn’t been disqualified, he’s entirely able to run for office.

  • Where’s the demand for Hamas to end the conflict and to release the hostages?

    Israel hasn’t shown any good faith. I think given the situation, if Hamas completely capitulated it would just hasten their complete extermination.

    I honestly cannot say that Israeli would show restraint in a surrender, they’ve displayed none and their rhetoric hasn’t indicated any.

    If Hamas was to surrender, I don’t think it would lead to peace because Israel does not look like peace is what they want. I think it would lead to millions being murdered because it seems that is what Israel wants.

    I don’t disagree with a need for deescalating the situation and some olive branches being brought out, but Israeli leadership themselves are saying things like the goal is to completely destroy Hamas and Palestinian. That’s genocide talk and Israel hasn’t given us any reason to doubt their ambitions.

    I get what you’re saying, but Israel is taking and acting like the bully in a school fight that doesn’t know when the fight’s over. In three months, one percent of the entire population of Gaza has been killed. When a battle starts hitting significant measurable percentage of the civilian population, a wise nation would pause the hostilities and reassess. Israel has done quite the opposite and tripled down on their incursion.

    There’s no indication that Hamas doing anything to reduce the situation would actually lead to an outcome that would actually reduce the situation. And there’s every indication that doing so would actually speed up their and their civilian population’s demise.

  • And just so everyone remembers this, Lake Gatún is the primary water source for fresh water in the area.

    That little facet plays a non-zero role in any discussion about travel along the canal.

    And for those wondering how a canal “uses” water. At some point a lake that was never connected to the ocean, has some small amount of it discharge into the ocean every time a boat moves through the canal.

    You can use all kinds of partitions and fancy pumps to reduce the amount of salt water that gets in and fresh water that leaves, but you can never get it to zero. There will always be some salt water getting into the lake and some fresh water making it to the ocean. And that value begins to add up when you have thousands of boats.

  • It does not. The Linux kernel is not a multikernel OS and HarmonyOS is. Now Harmony does indeed implement the ability to bring in a modified ASOP to provide Android app compatibility, but the actual OS that supervises that isn’t Linux based, though it does provide a UNIX environment.

    The reason HarmonyOS works well with the devices is because the OS and the devices are being built by the same person. It’s likely that HarmonyOS would run like ass or not at all on anything not made by Huawei, it’s also why the OS is mostly closed source with some open parts.

    But just because they both present a UNIX environment, does not mean HarmonyOS is or derived from Linux. They are indeed two different OSes with fundamentally different approaches to managing the underlying system.

  • I have a Brother HL-L3230CDW. It has been a horse and has quickly become my most prized possession of all things that I own. It takes anyone’s toner and produces quality without question. It works with my various Linux, Macs, Windows, and Android devices without hesitation and minimal fuss to get setup.

    So that’s what I would recommend. Is a good bit of coin up front but in my opinion, it has paid for itself in cheaper long run TCO and sanity in that it just fucking works.

  • It’s less executive action and more pipeline issues.

    The department related to approval for these things just hired 140 new employees that just got through on-boarding for this specific task. That 140 is literally the max Congress approved for handling applications in all tiers of the program, with a lot of Senators having hoped that somewhere around ½ that number would have been the final tally hired in.

    Those new employees will then need to navigate the 50+ page applications for each bid. With something around 480 bids in the first CHIPs acceptance round. So around 180 people will need to digest as quickly as possible somewhere around 24,000+ pages of applications. That’s not counting any kind of objections that might have been filed by State, private citizen, and also competitors (Samsung and Intel have a few of these already on some of the first tier 1s already).

    And all of this is just the first steps of the program that was written out by Congress. Congressional oversight, because remember all executive agencies established by law have Congressional oversight, has been really clear as mud on some of the finer details of this program. Biggest back and forth is the offshore but American funding, which holy crap I can’t write enough about how complicated that debate has become.

    All of this is happening on the several step process that Congress prescribed for this whole thing. Because, tier 3 and tier 2 funding are good candidates for abuse of funding. Solyndra echos can almost be heard when mentioning this. Or more recent example of what could go wrong when you just open the flood gates, PPP loans.

    Thing is, companies complain money isn’t coming fast enough all the time. The money could be on it’s way next week and they’d still complain that it wasn’t there on Monday. The more important thing is that the money isn’t being wasted too badly and that’s only happening with careful consideration. This is literally the exact same thing I said about Trump’s wall. One, I don’t think it would work anyway. Two, it’s ignoring a lot of commitments we have internationally. But three, if we’re going to do it, at least have a plan for properly spending the money which Trump did not because it basically took military funding and diverted it toward the wall, and thus it fell into one of those “you either spend it or lose it” and it meant that the construction had to be rushed and why a lot of “Trump’s wall” is mostly falling into the Rio Grande or made of metal slats that can easily be sawed through with a hand saw.

    So sure, whatever, but the more important thing… Well let me clarify, the more important thing from my perspective, so totally cool if someone disagrees, is that the money is carefully spent wisely. It doesn’t have to be a homerun, I just would rather the money not be tossed all over the place like PPP was.

    And I get some of the arguments for why PPP was done the way it was, but to put it to scale, I would prefer handing it out like a 3, I understand why people would want it handed out like a 7, but holy fuck we handed it out like a 9.3. Where 1 is being penny up the ass to make copper wire tight about the money and 10 is prolapsed colon flow of money out the ass. It was really indefensible how just loosey goosey we were with that money. And yes, there’s been other times we’ve done that (cough military cough), I didn’t like those either.

  • Despite having his laptop confiscated, Kurtaj, carried out his cyber attack using an Amazon Firestick, his hotel television and a mobile phone. He broke into the company’s internal Slack messaging system to declare: “If Rockstar does not contact me on Telegram within 24 hours I will start releasing the source code.”

    I just read some dumb fucking shit from the Wayfair CEO telling everyone they need to blend their personal and work life together because no one is rewarded for laziness, or some shit.

    Bitch! This kid right here is a fucking genius and y’all locking him up for life because his intelligence hurts somebody’s bottom line. That’s the key take away here. Y’all don’t want actually smart and inventive people, you want slaves.

    This kid just MacGyvered the shit out of a triple-A game studio and absolute best we could do is lock him up for life? Ridiculous. This whole capitalism shit is a fraud.

  • Emirati authorities have put in place laws that reflect their values

    Yeah how’s those apostasy laws? Oh! Lookie there, it’s death. Noice. But in fairness I wouldn’t recommend the United States to folks based on my experience of having lived here all my life. So I think it’s fair to live and let live at the end of the day.

    That said, challenging a fine and that challenge resulting in an increased sentence encourages folks to accept guilt when it may not be due. I don’t like it when they do it here in the US, I think it’s fair to indicate that it’s not liked anywhere else.