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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I’m so old I used to install my games on 5 1/2" floppies. I dispise how the video game market changed from an ownership model to service-based and micro transactions models that are popular today. Don’t even get me started on mobile games. What I have noticed is that I am paying almost the same price for a video game today as I was 30 years ago. A game that I paid approximately $75 for in 1994 I should be paying approximately $150.00 for a new release today. Yet I’m still paying $75 for a game, they have to be making up that difference somewhere. Now the tools needed to make a game have had an enormous impact on reducing costs, and there’s a whole bunch of other economic stuff I’m ignoring. Regardless, it’s still kind of amazing the price of games hasn’t inflated.

  • From my very basic understanding, yeah that’s basically what it does. However it accounts for a whole lot more into adding or subtracting from UTC. Timezones aren’t absolute, they’re political. Timezones have weird rules, and history that needs to be somehow expressed in the code to get the right time. That’s what’s sets tz_database apart from just looking at a map and saying it’s +7 UTC.

  • Neiche application like old industrial equipment. Sure 90% of it is well documented and properly sourced. Still there’s always that one piece of equipment purchasing got because it was cheap with no documentation and just a safety placard from the 90s. Regardless it needs to be integrated and you bet your ass no one has ever searched that. Then you’re back to basics, sometimes even BASIC.

  • My first job right out of college I was writing assembly for some epically old industrial equipment. That shit runs on its own language that was only ever used on that piece of equipment. Usually x86 but with some wacky modifications. There’s no compiler for that, just a manual the size of a textbook and a million chicken scratch notes in it that’s half covered in grease. I’m so glad I don’t do that anymore.

  • Agreed, a little home automation can be nice. I like being able to turn my lights weird colours on a whim, it’s pretty. With the exception of edge cases and people who have a disability I really don’t understand smart large appliances and smart locks. I really hope there’s a reliable smart lock for them and people in the edge cases. I haven’t looked into it at all so I’ll just leave it there.

  • Part of me wishes I still had my families old 386 or commodore knock-off. Read some of the terrible short stories I wrote, play tanks. I remember when my Mom’s friend came over with a stack of 51/4 floppies and installed a program that played the Loonie Toons theme song with their logo and Buggs Bunny captioned saying “That’s all folks.” It blew my mind, video (sort of) on a computer, how was that even possible. I wondered how they got it to connect to the cable cause no way a computer could do that. Dang I’m getting old lol.

  • You’re absolutely right, to add a bit more depth to the conversation, providing a home is the first step. Those homes need to be dispersed throughout a whole community so no single neighborhood has to handle the influx. As opposed to project housing. They need to be near services like welfare, public transportation, food banks, etc, and occupational opportunities to break the cycle of poverty. In many places that means a job but it doesn’t necessarily have to be.

    I think the cause of all this is simple, a system where ultimately your only value is the wealth you generate instead of valuing the person we all are. I also think that the solution will be complicated. I’ve been fooled too many times by the simple solution to fall for it here.

  • So most of the time I talk to self proclaimed anarchist they’re actually Anarcommunists which can be broadly described as “From each their ability, to each their need.” If a conflict such as workers disagreeing arises, as it’s been described to me, a representative community council would arbitrate the disagreement and everyone would see to it’s enforcement. Personally I find it rather naive because it excludes resolving disputes between communities and focuses on incorporating communities together to settle disputes. Which is fine so long as the communities are willing to incorporate each other’s welfare into their considerations.