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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I believe it can be quantified in some way. I live in a country that has no problem with solitary confinement of minors at an early age for decades at a time.

    I think that’s deplorable and monstrous also. But something about government endorsed (don’t tell me the CCP doesn’t know about it) organ theft where they kill the donor and keep them alive through controlled brain damage so they can harvest more organs from them. Something about that seems worse to me than solitary confinement, enough that I changed my behavior.

    Yes keep it in context, but whataboutism isn’t an excuse for objectively dehumanizing behavior from anyone.

    (Note: I’m aware of companies and name brands that invest in private prisons, I do my best to avoid those brands, really I try to live my life but do what I can within reason)

  • https://youtu.be/xUiuVjX2ubQ?feature=shared

    Transplant tourism in China 🇨🇳

    There’s only one reason to make a device to give people an invisible lobotomy with that contraption. Transplant tourism is a real thing, if you need a kidney, they’ll find some poor Chinese citizen who’s broken some menial law or just pull some poor Uyghur, labotomize them, poof there’s your kidney match in short order.

    Here’s a video of what these people are doing https://youtu.be/xUiuVjX2ubQ?feature=shared

    It changed my life because after seeing this, for all practical purposes, I try my very best to avoid things from China because I don’t want one penny of my money going to support this barbaric inhumanity.

    If I see “made in China” I will try my best to find an alternative. For example, I returned to razor mice because they were made in China and got one of the same model instead that was made in Taiwan. It was sort of a luck of the draw, I had to buy two of the same model before I got one from the country that I wanted it from and I returned the one that was made in China. It was about an extra hours worth of annoyance, but it’s important to me to keep doing things like that, because of this video. Fuck the Chinese Communist Party and their treating other human beings like animals.

  • That wasn’t a protest, it was an attempt at a government takeover and overthrow. It was an attempted coup, with a whole list of people to install that were never voted into office. That’s not a protest. Maybe protesting is part of that, but that’s not a protest.

    Questions of it being valid or not don’t apply to things that are not protests.

  • I’m interested in this primarily as an English teacher. I need to be able to spot the linguistic tics and errors and recognize where it likely came from.

    Right now, the best we have is like the opening scenes from Bladerunner.

    Holden: One-one-eight-seven at Unterwasser. Leon: That’s the hotel. Holden: What? Leon: Where I live. Holden: Nice place? Leon: Yeah, sure I guess-- that part of the test? Holden: No, just warming you up, that’s all. Leon: Oh. It’s not fancy or anything. Holden: You’re in a desert, walking along in the sand when all of the sudden- Leon: Is this the test now? Holden: Yes. You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of the sudden you look down- Leon: What one? Holden: What? Leon: What desert? Holden: It doesn’t make any difference what desert, it’s completely hypothetical. Leon: But how come I’d be there? Holden: Maybe you’re fed up, maybe you want to be by yourself, who knows? You look down and you see a tortoise, Leon, it’s crawling towards you- Leon: Tortoise, what’s that? Holden: Know what a turtle is? Leon: Of course. Holden: Same thing. Leon: I’ve never seen a turtle – But I understand what you mean. Holden: You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back Leon. Leon: Do you make up these questions, Mr. Holden, or do they write them down for you? Holden: The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun beating its legs trying to turn itself over but it can’t, not without your help, but you’re not helping. Leon: What do you mean I’m not helping? Holden: I mean, you’re not helping. Why is that Leon? – They’re just questions, Leon. In answer to your query, they’re written down for me. It’s a test, designed to provoke an emotional response. – Shall we continue?

    Except I can’t ask the paper on Maya Angelou any questions. Short of interrogating each student when they turn something in, it’s been a real struggle in the last few months to spot work that was not actually done by my students but was instead written by chat gpt.

    How to proceed now that they all interact with TikTok’s chatbot, where not just the tech savvy kids will try this, idk.

    But my first super fake was a well written paper about the personal growth of a girl named Fredericka who described feeling triumphant having just got her masters degree and overcoming adversity since she grew up as a young black boy in the south. “Hmmmm,” I thought. “Something tells me You didn’t write this.”

  • It’s like a blank space needs filled

    The static point would be the sentence “Theres a ____ in the house” And from there it’s like a coin sorting machine filter filter filter okay noun filter filter filter cat the user doesn’t want a cat filter filter filter dog

    Where the filtering = other similar static points or it’s looking for other sentences arranged like that with those words in that context.

    That’s how it mistakes cat for dog It’s not thinking “I know what a cat is, dogs are like that” It’s just looking for word usage frequency in that specific or similar contexts and replacing it with a frequently used word. That’s how you end up getting a wrong answer “what’s more like a cat? Dog or kitten? Reply:Dog.”

    Or if it screws up some math it’s to do with it not actually doing any math, instead it’s looking for answer frequency and enough people wrote 2+2=5