• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 9th, 2023

  • I fail to see how (again, I’m talking about people new to computers, not people already used to Windows).

    You have office, a browser, a mail program, music player, etc. preinstalled, automatic updates, and an app store (usually named “software”) with a search function and a friendly “install” button to look for more software.
    Printers are installed automatically when you’re in the same network or connect them via USB.
    If you plug in your phone or an USB stick, it shows up in the file manager.

  • Only if you compare computers that come preinstalled with Windows, operated by users that are already familiar with Windows.
    A non-technical user is completely out of their element trying to install Windows, and a computer that comes preinstalled with Linux is easier to use than a Windows PC (no driver installation necessary, no hunting for software on the internet among spam links and ads, preinstalled software for most every-day tasks).

  • Slavery isn’t always life-long, and it isn’t always done to just one group. Indentured servitude and serfdom are forms of slavery. It’s forced labor against your will and with no way to avoid it if you’re subjected.

    Mandatory service means forcing you to work at the point of a gun.
    This sounds hyperbolic, but what happens when you refuse and simply want to keep living your life freely instead?
    You are given a prison sentence, and if you refuse that, in the last consequence, the state reserves the right to use deadly force to make you comply.

    You can ad-hominem every young person as useless basement-dweller, assign beautiful words to your forced labor, use bad comparisons, and pay people to do it.
    It doesn’t change the fact that you want to force people to work, and their only other option is prison (where they will also be forced to work) or death.