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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Encyclopedia is “general education”, referring to its broad scope. Wikipedia added wiki as a reference to the source, so the best one would be {source}pedia.

    Fedepedia isn’t awful but feels… bland, in my opinion.

    Something like consolidate is a good synonym for it, but consolipedia also doesn’t feel right to me, so if we’re not referring to the federated part, we’d have to refer to the decentralized part. Decentropedia is fairly decent, but I’m fond of Micropedia, because the root word is very common, and I feel it’s catchier than decentropedia. Either of those are good though.

  • See, while I don’t like the invasiveness of it, that’s also their business model. If they put it behind a subscription instead, it wouldn’t be right to say “this information is important and needs to be available, stop charging for it,” when charging for it is part of why they provide it. Private companies have a right to not do business with those that won’t pay for their services, even if that payment is your data.

    Europeans (and everyone, morally) have a right to privacy that conflicts with the method of payment. This website resolved that, if it can’t get paid in it’s chosen form, it won’t provide its service. That’s fine. I don’t support this decision, but it’s not

    If this information is vital to the public, that’s a separate issue entirely, and it needs to be available in some form that isn’t sold. We can’t rely on a private entity not employed by a government to do this of its own free will.

  • Totally is BS. You could switch to lady/ladies. It’s a bit old-fashioned, but isn’t automatically being taken that way. Dunno if that helps you but if it doesn’t help directly then at least you could then remember that more letters means more people, so ladies is plural.

    You could also go full gender-neutral and just use person/people. Doesn’t help if you need to specify they’re women, but I bet most times you wouldn’t actually need to do that.

  • People said that about newspapers, too.

    The issue isn’t the device, it’s the lack of restraint the kids were never taught. Of course they want that Dopamine hit. It’s free. Same reason very few people seek the satisfaction of building your table yourself, when you can buy one.

    Not to say kids aren’t worse, they are, and it’s awful, but it’s a symptom, not the problem, in my opinion. The problem is they have no goals. Where do they wanna end up? The world is fucked, and most of them talk about the future as if there isn’t one. They won’t own a house, they won’t get enough to live off of with a job, a good job is locked behind ungodly amounts of debt, and the world is literally on fire. Then, the people who should fix it, the people who get elected, are selling them out for money instead of fixing it. There’s no point in doing hard things if there’s nothing to gain from it.

    Kids won’t improve until the world does, because they have no reason to put down the devices. The devices offer a hollow life, and that’s more than real life is willing to give them.

    Sorry about the rant, I just think it’s important to keep the focus on the problem. Kids engage wherever they get the most reward. It’s our job, not teachers, to make real life better, and it can be. Until then, sorry about the kids. I’m trying to raise mine to value what there is to value, but they definitely suck right now, even if it’s not their fault.