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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • politics-related data


    I’m annoyed with how low-effort, entirely un-researched content

    And you think a wiki will solve that? Lol… yeah this is a bad idea.

    No one should trust a wiki for anything other than information on a tv show or a boss, and even then trust but verify. And this is something that you would need to trust.

    You’re better off creating a blog, or find already established blogs who do this, because stuff like Five Three Eight exists. ’

    “Original research”

    There’s a reason peer reviewed research is practically required, and even then there’s HUGE problems with that model, but having people go out for original research is basically saying “Let people make up bullshit.”… not a good idea.

  • This is making me think…

    1. Some guy hates his job, which is to fly to Voyager from Space station Gamma 32 and clean it off, because kids like to take their spacecraft out and tag it with rude names. Voyager still continues on it’s trek. The guy hates his job, it’s just what was known as a Janitor on Earth, which has almost no purpose in the post-consumption society.

    And yet we sit here in 2023 and would be utterly fascinating with every single part of that idea. I don’t know if we’ll ever reach it, but I could see a future that is so far ahead of where we are today, that it would be unrecognizable.

    I hope we have a chance to get there.

  • It doesn’t on mine…

    But honestly Youtube needs to make it optional if people get shorts, it’s ruined too many channels, and is just a worthless waste of bandwidth. If I wanted shitty clickbait content I’d just go to tiktok in the first place, I’m on Youtube because I’m expecting some quality.

    It’s one of the reasons I won’t let that bullshit touch my main channel. Other Youtubers have said they have had massive growth (usually counted in “Views” which they can’t understand isn’t the same thing for both categories) but in general shorts have made me unsubscribe from too many channels for me to even consider it.

  • The idea is actually that nearly every single one of their athletes are doping

    If you had proof of that, I’d suggest you publish it. Not just someone saying that, but actual verifiable proof of it.

    I’m sure some people who were doping (remember many were forced to under their doping programs) weren’t caught, but the big thing is there’s limited proof to the size of it.

    Then again, do you honestly 100 percent believe every other country’s athletes are clean? There’s many ways to “beat” the test, but experts guess it could be between 10-40 percent of the athletes who competed in 2020 might have been cheating with performance enhancing drugs… that’s bad, but worse, the results can be so delayed they come a decade later due to new drugs, and new tests to detect it.

  • The idea is the majority of their athletes are proven to be clean. There are definitely a decent number who got caught, and more scrutiny should be on Russia athletes than any other (Though all should be fully tested), but I believe it exposed only a subset of the Russian team was caught. 70 percent of the Russians were allowed to compete under the Olympic Flag.

    Do I think IOC caught everyone who was doping? Of course not. Do I think every Russian was doping? I find that equally hard to believe.

    Then again the fact it was only a four year ban for a state sponsored scheme? WTF… but it just show IOC is still just one of the worst governing bodies in sports.

  • “reinstated”… I mean her win exists, but she still was kicked out of the tournament. She’ll get her place, but I would bet hard money on the fact she would have preferred to stay in the tournament and compete for real.

    This is IOC saving face, something they have to do far too frequently.

    It sounds like the IFE is also making the right move to remove the handshake. I won’t say all Russians (under the Olympic flag) have to be banned. Though this pro-war piece of shit is make a hell of an effort for me to change my mind on that. But forced sportsmanship needs to stop being a thing, because then it’s not sportsmanship, when it’s a rule, it’s just a requirement of what you have to do.

  • A. They don’t know about such things. This isn’t as popular as you seem to think. Let’s talk about that after.

    B. There’s no way that works the way you seem to imply. If they have to get the land for it, they probably aren’t poor, but even if they were given stuff, how much are they given.

    C. People like things. So how is this mutual aid group supposed to afford, let’s say a car per person? Are they buying everyone a home, and a car? Or are they making cars. Similarly, how does this work with skilled individuals. I’m a programmer, I can make computers work, who makes my computers, or more importantly my daughter got sick last night, we had the ER in society, in this alternate society is there a doctor on call 24/7?

    But let’s go back to A.

    I think you linked www.mutualaidhub.org, so I’m using that. I just looked up a listing of mutual aid networks near me. The only ones I found in LA and San Diego (county), after clicking through 10-20 I stopped because I got a good idea about what they are. Someone on here said they’re like communism and communes. The mutual aid networks I found were minor help, a few were food services, one was just a nightly call, and so on. Quite a few were now defunct as well, which kind of tells how they went.

    The one that was taking help was asking for VOLUNTEERS, not people who partake in all the services, and none of them offered all the services. I could quit a job and volunteer there, but I still need money, housing, I like games, I like electricity, I like computers. Again how are we getting those? I haven’t even touched on the idea of taxes as well.

    Really the point is… From what little I saw when I looked this up Mutual Aid Network doesn’t seem to mean what you are implying, but even if they did… well I’m doubting most of those have enough skilled individuals that joining them even as a poor person would offset the problems.

  • As a follow up, you might want to start with a discord bot if you’re curious. We have a slack bot at work that’s pretty useful. But again it depends what your goal is or what you want to do. Programming is fun and working with simple bots is probably the easiest and most interesting stuff to do… until it doesn’t work.

    Oh and use ChatGPT to ask questions, I’ve found it extremely helpful even when I’m doing really hard programming tasks, especially because how you phrase the question helps your brain start working on the problem.