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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • One of the main guarantees of the US-led world order is that the Straight of Hormuz will stay open for commerce. The fact that the Houthis can shut it down is a huge blow to US hegemony.

    In the modern age of drone warfare, US aircraft carriers are a liability. Sure, we can send in the USS Medical Bankruptcy carrier strike group and launch a few million dollar missiles, but the blockade stays in place.

    There seems to be only two options to stop this blockade: End the genocide, or invade Yemen in a war against the Houthis. Genocide Joe can’t afford to start a middle east war in an election year, so this tit-for-tat will continue into the near future.

  • Everything you mentioned is an NRA talking point.

    The NRA started out as a well respected advocacy group for hunters rights and environmental protection. Then they were captured by the arms manufacturing industry, so now their only goal is to sell more guns.

    And after every major mass shooting there is a significant uptick in sales of guns and ammo, so the arms industry is financially motivated to contribute to the culture of gun rampage.

  • There was a massive outcry from the world. It sounds like this: “Its horrible that rockets are getting fired at you! Here is a multi-billion dollar rocket defense system! But if you want the rockets to stop, end your brutal apartheid regime!”

    Sadly, the Zionist response is to install the rocket defense system and increase the brutality. Then they smear any critics, including most of the UN and nearly every human rights organization, as biased and antisemitic.

  • Great question!

    I would have held onto the moral high ground instead of instantly bombing civilians.

    I would do everything I could to rescue the hostages, instead of ignoring them and bombing them.

    I would negotiate with Palestinian leadership, offering them a path towards autonomy and freedom from their open air prison in return for handing over every single Hamas terrorist that attacked on Oct 7th.

    Of course there is no magic solution. Even if we find the best possible course there will still be bloodshed and deep resentment. But with the current Israeli strategy, for every Hamas terrorist that they kill, they are creating 2 more to take their place.

  • In American presidential elections we only get to choose from 2 shitty candidates. Many well intentioned voters view it as a zero-sum game; thus any criticism of Biden is seen as pro-Trump rhetoric.

    I agree that Trump is worse than Biden, bit this politics-as-teamsports mentality is a race to the bottom.

    Judging by policy, I believe the last left-of-center president was Nixon. He finalized the Civil Rights Act and created the Environmental Protection Agency. He didn’t do it because he was a leftist (he wasnt) or because he was a good guy (he wasnt). He did it because he was afraid of the massive protest movement happening at the time.

    I wish we could apply this same broad based, mass protest energy to every president including Biden. But America(and Israel) has written the modern anti-protest playbook, and it’s super effective. Anti-Iraq war, Occupy Wall Street, George Floyd, etc. were all marginalized and crushed.

    It sure feels like things will have to get much worse before they start getting better.

  • Remember when Biden said he saw “confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading babies”? Then his office had to clarify that actually no, he didn’t. What a horrific and oddly specific thing to lie about.

    I was pretty shocked when he said the Oct 7th attacks were “like 15 9/11s”. When did we become so sycophantic to Israel that a president could downplay the most sacred American date and receive so little criticism?

    Now he wants to give away another $100 billion for war, and I can’t afford healthcare. Remember Bidens campaign when “public option” was his #1 talking point? Maybe Grandpa Joe forgot about it, or maybe he was lying the whole time.

  • Yes yes, we colonized America and genocided the natives. No one is arguing otherwise.

    And most of our advances in rocketry came from Operation Paperclip. From ICBMs to the moon landing, we have Nazi scientists to thank.

    But what about computers? The postwar generations used their wealth to fund pure science (something we deeply neglect today). It was very costly and took decades, but we invented microtransistors, the internet, wifi, GPS, etc. Every major technology that powers the computer you are using now was funded by hardworking Americans tax dollars.

    And I’m not sure what Israel has to do with this, but yes they are following the “war on terror” model that America pioneered. Bomb civilians, label all the victims as terrorists, turn a blind eye to the consequences, and act surprised when your victims desire revenge.

  • We supported social mobility during the New Deal era. Many of the New Deal programs continued to pay dividends until they were dismantled by Reagan and the neoliberals.

    As for home ownership, the vast majority of new homeowners in the past 3 generations were significantly subsidized by the federal government.

    I’m not suggesting these programs were perfect. Take the most glaring example: most of them explicitly excluded black people. Without opportunity for homeownership, our precious black neighbors were ghettoized and locked into poverty. The echoes of this racist policy reverberate loudly to this day.

    So I guess what I’m saying is that we need to Make America Great Again. Obviously the charlatan Trump presents no solutions. The neolib and neocon policies are proven failures. The solutions offered by Republican and Democrat parties are cynical and shallow. We need to go back to the policies that make America flourish - New Deal policies - just with a few modern upgrades and significantly less bigotry.