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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 26th, 2024


  • Yeah that’s what I was just thinking. Once we somehow synthesize this LLM into a new type of programming language it gets interesting. Maybe a more natural language that gets the gist of what you are trying to do. And then a unit test to see if it works. And then you verify. Not sure if that can work.

    TBH I’m a bit shocked that programmers are already using AI to generate programming, I only program as a hobby any more. But it sounds interesting. If I can get more of my ideas done with less work I’d love it.

    I think fundamentally, philosophically there are limits. Ultimately you need language to describe what you want to do. You need to understand the problem the “customer” has and formulate a solution and then break it down into solvable steps. AI could help with that but fundamentally it’s a question of describing and the limits of language.

    Or maybe we’ll see brain interfaces that can capture some of the subtleties of intend from the programmer.

    So maybe we’ll see the productivity of programmers rise by like 500% or something. But something tellse me (Jevons paradox) the economy would just use that increased productivity for more apps or more features. But maybe the needed qualifications for programmers will be reduced.

    Or maybe we’ll see AI generating programming libraries and development suits that are more generalized libraries. Or like existing crusty libraries rewritten to be more versatile and easier to use by AI powered programmers. Maybe AI could help us create a vast library of more abstract / standard problem+solutions.

  • This is very nice. In the meantime the German government cut funding for the UN humanitarian aid organization, with the predictable outcome that many thousands of civilizations are going to starve or thirst to death or die from diseases. Because Israel said so after the ICJ ruling.

    This in contravention of the ICJ ruling that ordered to stop Genocide. Which is binding for all countries to take steps to prevent genocide. German press isn’t really reporting on what that means.

    Which means the current “social democratic / green / liberal” coalition is potentially aiding in a genocide.

    Fuck the AfD fascists but you know… fuuuuuuuuuuuck

  • There goes my retirement lol. Another massive wealth transfer to the super rich. It will all go to weapons, will go to banks when the Ukrainians have to pay it back, will go to big corporations when much of Ukraine becomes privatized. More austerity and more inflation for us.

    Basically Crimea is the most expensive real estate debacle ever that lead to the biggest wealth transfer. I think they call it disaster capitalism. Never waste a good crisis.

  • Yes because we are lacking the words with proper impact. But it’s the same kind of hatred based on otherness. The same fascist mechanism based on an mythological identity and believe in inequality. All Russians are and should be banned. We are the good ones. The way the left / progressive / liberals latched on to the warmongering over the war in Ukraine was shocking, instead of discussing (amoral) geopolitical motivations for this conflict and seeking diplomatic compromises it was just described as some good vs evil bullshit. And the fucking “leftist racists” are eating it up. Right here on lemmy. Ban Russia forever lol. I don’t care if Russian is technically not an ethnicity, Slavic people are.

    But I’ve given up arguing as well and just made a little shitpost.