LibsEatPoop [any]

  • 0 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2020


  • The legislation, House Bill 500, would allow employers to stop offering their workers “reasonable” lunch and rest breaks, mandatory under current Kentucky law, and end the requirement that employees who work seven days in a row receive overtime pay… According to the Kentucky Lantern, the bill also “(prevents) employers from being punished for not paying minimum wage or overtime pay when an employee is traveling to and from a workplace.”

    Kentucky has been in the spotlight recently for other pieces of legislation scaling back worker protections, including one bill passed by the House removing working hour restrictions for 16- and 17-year-olds, which Pratt said would get children “off the couch [and] quit playing Nintendo games.”… It is also the state where, in May 2023, U.S. Department of Labor investigators discovered two 10-year-old workers operating dangerous cooking equipment while working late shifts at a McDonald’s.

    The bill passed a Republican-led House committee Wednesday in a party-line vote and now moves to a vote by the full chamber.

  • death toll has risen to at least 10,022 Palestinians, including 4,104 children, with many victims still trapped beneath the rubble and an Israeli siege drying up access to vital goods like fuel, food and electricity.

    “The number [death toll] is expected to go up as at least 2,000 people remain under the rubble. The problem is, with lack of heavy equipment and machinery, the rescue teams on the ground are unable to remove and pull out these bodies from under the rubble,”

    The number of those wounded since the October 7 start of the bombardment has risen to 25,408… a result of Israel’s indiscriminate bombardment of civilian homes, hospitals, refugee camps, and schools, said Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP), a United Kingdom-based organisation

    Running low on fuel supplies, 16 of Gaza’s 35 hospitals have been forced to suspend operations as the number of people wounded increases and the United Nations said that more than 1.5 million people, which is more than half of Gaza’s population, have been displaced.

  • LibsEatPoop [any]
    9 months ago

    So this account was made an hour ago by someone who claims to be an “Anonymous hate researcher that has worked with top academic researchers worldwide on combating hate on social media! Here to document hesitant and bad faith nazi instances!”

    Say what you will about Hexbear, we are not Nazis. CTH was banned by Reddit for advocating the k*lling of the precursors of nazis ie slave-owners.

    Also, while the majority of our users might identify as “Tankies”, from the very beginning, we have always been a non-sectarian platform that does not tolerate leftist infighting and welcomes all manner of leftists from MLs to anarchists. Yes, we have more MLs but we do have some anarchists and as soon as any shitslinging is pointed out, mods immediately ban it.

    Framing us a tankie instance, like some of the others that actually declare so in their rules and ban other forms of leftists is an outright lie if not just a very bad indication of your research skills.

    On Russia and China, you can have disagreements with the majority opinion on hexbear itself, as long as you don’t just parrot the US state department line. Is it as good as it can be? No, I myself would like more diversity of opinion on a lot of topics. But we are literally all leftist, anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist. That means any criticism of Russia or China or any of these other “enemy” nations has to be from those perspectives i.e. they cannot be bad faith accusations from Biden or Trump stooges.

    From our perspective, which is a leftist, anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist one, there is no argument that the Western states like the US and its various puppets/allies are obviously terrible and, what did you you say, are “genocidal” and carry out “rampant human rights abuses”. Does this mean other states aren’t? No, not at all.

    But because most of us live in these states, which we call the “imperial Core”, these are the states we want to focus on and change, rather than empowering them more unlike the Libs and the Cons who think their own states are somehow better and more civilised than the others.

    Again, you can disagree, but it has be well-reasoned and anti-capitalist at the very least.

    Also, I was against federation from the start. I’ve always hated the idea. And posts like this do nothing to disprove me. I’ve also noticed you calling people commenting on this post as “brigading”. Pal, this literally showing up on our feed. What do you want us to do?