For real? That’s hilarious.
Translation: it’s another formulaic action film with a Star Trek coat of paint.
Thank you for not being the rare rational outlook on AI and buying into the AI fear mongering, or the AI hype train.
AI is the new auto hammer, it can do things faster and sometimes better. Why you can build a house faster and with less effort! Or you can bash someone’s skull in faster and with less effort! It’s just a new tool we can use, for better or for worse, like every other new tool before it.
Status Report ❤️
A word used when you agree with something; or when you want to recognize someone for being themselves, i.e. courageous and unique or not caring what others think. Especially common in online political slang.
The opposite of cringe, some times the opposite of biased.
Jokes aside, I do find using my phone for casual meme browsing much more comfortable, so it’s just waiting for everything to catch up and work properly.
Andy Robinson <3
eats Romulan edible Whoosh! You can’t see me! I’m cloaked!
High, how are you?
This meme really says how I feel.
In the case of Miles “Peekaboo” is the name of an alien culture that mind rapes you for a hundred thousand centuries in an instant for adding too much sugar to your coffee.
This is technically correct, he betrayed your expectation that he would betray you.
Time traveling Romulan agents have manipulated the timeline to ensure the Kardashians stay on the air for at least another two decades, leading to the downfall of human civilization, thereby preventing the federation from ever existing.
Why can’t I upvote all this more than once!? files bug report
These are AMAZING!
I’m going to miss this show so much, it’s just bursting with so much heart. They really captured the heart of star trek with a goofy comedy cartoon, and I love it.