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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Who said anything about setting up a tax deduction? I’m setting up an indirect benefit to others that counts as an illiquid asset. It’s not an investment since its purpose isn’t profit, and its not charitable since I remain in control.

    Pay attention to the genie’s criteria, and realize: for anyone actually trying to do some good, the IRS criteria might as well be so capricious and arbitrary. With that kind of money and a lot of these organizations, I would rather donate it directly, yes, but there are also plenty of organizations and causes where more money in the pot means more CEO and middleman pay. That, and the IRS, don’t have to count as a valid reason to withhold a single penny for someone that’s supposedly capable enough to have any business managing such a large amount.

  • First up: Capital gains Taxes. That’s $12,000,000 off the top. Next, buying the properties of all my favorite charities, museums, libraries, restraunts, stores, and setting up trusts to keep taxes and such paid on those in perpetuity … That alone should do it, within a large enough radius, but anyways … buy up the most inefficient air-planes, cruise-liners, cargo ships I can find and straight up ground/dock them or upgrade them to fix those inefficiencies. Make sure the planes are never flown again, at least not at night.

  • Did you? Sure, it quotes a study, but its otherwise a bunch of quotes from one of the study authors, an author who has a definite idea of what to blame:

    Smart phones, and nothing else. Let’s hope he’s better at conducting studies than he is at staying abreast of current events, but yeah, this non-sense is close to cream-of-the-crop for the Scientific Americanlivescience.com “articles” that are always cluttering my Lemmy feed. Okay, so I confused one site for another, but we should demand better of more respectable sites, as well as round-filing the utter garbage.

  • Those agencies are under the executive branch, and its been made very clear in the past that they prefer sneaking in backdoors to valid best practices.

    The NSA sabotaging the Elliptic Curve method of random number generation used in the RSA algorithm comes to mind. They would otherwise be THE experts to trust, but lets look at the others:

    FBI - Waco, Ruby Ridge, planned to assassinate Martin Luther King and so many others. CIA - promotes fascism internationally, causing all sorts of chaos in Latin America and the Middle East. Ever wonder how Komeni’s faction overthrew the Shah? The CIA decided he had gone soft.

    Germany is so trusting of the US on cyber-security measures that their government has been trying to ditch Windows for over a decade.

    TL;DR: In the US, government experts do NOT have your personal security best interests at heart. They can and will use any dirty trick possible to spy on and control both our own citizens and those of other countries. Last authories that anyone should trust.


  • When the variable name is the description that should be in the comments.

    Idea: Comments that automattically populate the end of any line a given variable is invoked on, including spelling out formulas from that line. ie: float y=mx+b // (cartesian y value)=(slope)(cartesian x value)+(cartisian y-intercept)

    “Duplicated” coments not actually in the file, but specified witt the creation of such variables and spread around by the code editor /IDE.

  • That’s my initial impression as well, but it also seems that they just don’t care, and will refuse to until its made clear to them just what a bad look this is, and nothing short of an accusation of impropriety has done the trick yet.

    I doubt english is their first language, but more importantly, it seems like there’s a culture disconnect versus mainstream western pr bullshit … which actually serves a useful purpose for once, in this instance.

  • The context menu would literally say “Move To”/“Copy To” and open either a further drop-down with potential destinations: … or a pop-over dialogue something like this:

    Originally Windows pointed this feature to users’ Downloads, Pictures, and Documents Folders, but as you can infer from the screenshots, the menu was configurable.

    I do not need and probably wouldn’t impliment this feature in a mobile file manager app, but I would be telling the OP I just don’t want to do it because its my app with my aesthetic/sensibilities in mind, NOT gaslighting/trolling them that its already implimented.