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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I think we’re going to learn how to mimic a transfer of consciousness before we learn how to actually do one. Basically we’ll figure out how to boot up a new brain with all of your memories intact. But that’s not actually a transfer, that’s a clone. How many millions of people will we murder before we find out the Zombie Zuckerberg Corp was lying about it being a transfer?

  • The IRA reduced rebates on foreign EV models. Leaving 2 American manufacturers with a massive price advantage in the market. They proceeded to give us EV trucks and now are throttling back the production of all EVs.

    So the climate took a back seat to making rich Americans more rich.

    It’s possible it could goad other companies to use the batteries and frames of the American companies. Except part of the reason their EVs don’t sell well is their batteries and frames actually kind of suck. And it will take a decade for new battery and assembly plants to come online.

    So he’s effectively set back EV adoption in the US by at least a decade because of the market power he granted Ford and GM.