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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I think there might be a lot of value in describing it to an AI, though. It takes a fair bit of clarity of thought to get something resembling what you actually want. You could use a junior or rubber duck instead, but the rubber duck doesn’t make stupid assumptions to demonstrate gaps in your thought process, and a junior takes too long and gets demoralized when you have to constantly revise their instructions and iterate over their work.

    Like the output might be garbage, but it might really help you write those stories.

  • I’m very familiar with RLM. It’s a good critique. I still think it’s fairly accurate, but played way up for comedic value and virality . They are entertaining movies that fill in lore without fucking everything else up.

    The best of the sequels can’t even be in the same continuity because of the change to hyperspace. The new canon was fucked up 15 minutes into the first god damned movie. Now I can enjoy the first two for what they are, but they aren’t part of any actual story, and the movie that ties them together is a garbage movie even if it weren’t Star Wars.

    I mean maybe the future will prove me wrong, but I’d bet good money no one will give a positive fuck in 10 years.

  • I don’t have the experience to refute that. But I see the same things from developers all the time swearing AI saves them hours, but that’s a domain I know well and AI does certain very limited things quite well. It can spit out boilerplate stuff pretty quick and often with few enough errors that I can fix them faster than I could’ve written everything by hand. But it very much relies on me knowing what I’m doing and immediately recognizing the garbage for what it is.

    It does make me a little bit faster at the stuff I’m already good at, at the cost of leading me down some wild rabbit holes on things I don’t know so well. It’s not nothing, but it’s not what I would call professional-grade.

  • The more you use generative AI, the less amazing it is. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy it, but it really can only impress you when it’s talking about a subject you know nothing of. The pictures are terrible, though way better than I could do. The coding is terrible, although it’s amazingly fast for similar quality to a junior developer. The prose seems amazing at first, but as you use it over and over you realize it’s quite bland and it’s continually sort of reverting to a default voice even if it can write really good short passages (specific to ChatGPT-like instruct models here, not seen that with other models).

    I’ve been playing with generative AI for about 5 years, and it has certainly gotten much better in some ways, but it’s still just a neat toy in search of a problem it can solve. There’s a lot of money going into it in the hope it will improve to the point where it can solve some of the things we really want it to, but I’m not sure it ever reliably will. Maybe some other AI technology, but not LLM.

  • That was really weird for me, too. Then they did it so they could use the cliche “suspect looking sus” trope. And then they undid that 20 seconds later. It’s a minor gripe but I did notice that was all really confusing and nonsensical for no good reason. Star Wars has been doing a lot of that lately. Ahsoka was full of scenes that just didn’t need to be there or made no sense.

    Ahsoka was more egregious in my opinion. It really aggravated me in the first half season. This particular one was small enough that I can just let it go and not worry about it.