She/Her, Also

Academy Award nominated character actress, clown psychiatrist, Duchess of Bay Ridge, and plastic doll.

She is all of us, yet I’m not her, but sometimes I play her on TV.

So what will be my ending?

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • I think this is a fake quote that somebody made up for an Internet comedy bit, since it seems unlikely for Hollywood actress Sydney Sweeney to have such uncharacteristically strong opinion on software version control, of all things.

    Because she of all people would know that there isn’t anything wrong with using git merge, and it ultimately comes down to personal preference to what you are used to.

  • Gabe, KiwiFarm started from the forum section of CWC Wiki (in fact, the name KiwiFarms itself is a corruption of “CWC Wiki Forums”), which was hosted on MediaWiki, so “not letting KiwiFarms host their own wiki” is a ship that has long since sailed.

    I really fail to see how this has more abuse potential than hosting an independent wiki on MediaWiki, even if the content they host there is… not very nice, to say the least. If anything, there is more control against abuse since they would just be defederated.

  • Gabe, a couple of weeks ago, nutomic was asking for ideas on a name for his federated wiki alternative project, I put forth my suggestion that I thought was better (also because I didn’t want it to be named after the bin chicken), but he told me, pretty bluntly in fact, that he is sticking with his original choice.

    Am I bummed about it? Of course.

    But it would be silly of me if I kept pestering him because he didn’t do exactly what I want, because at the end of the day, he doesn’t owe me anything.

    I can make suggestions to him, but he doesn’t have to take them, I’m not his manager, and I can take no as an answer. (He could have let me down a little easier though.)

    From reading your blog post, I get the impression that you are venting because 1. the Lemmy devs didn’t prioritize on the “improved moderation tools” that you wanted and 2. you are unhappy with the way they are running their own instance, which is kind of the point of decentralization that instances are ran independently from development.

    Let me ask you a follow-up question to think about (you don’t have to answer me): You are putting weight into Sublinks right now, what’s to say that you wouldn’t have any disagreement with jgrim about the development priorities of Sublinks?

    Lastly, sorry I never did the thing that I promised you to do a few months about moderating a comm on lit cafe, been kind of stressed and irritable recently and can’t really find the energy to do much creative writing. Sorry.

  • The best search I found is by asking questions to real people in forums such as this one. It’s way slower than getting an immediate answer for a question, but the signal to noise ratio is higher.

    This is the reason why I think Google is prioritizing reddit so much in recent years, because reddit became one of the only places where you can get real people (well, relatively speaking more than most other parts of the Internet) answering all kind of questions.

  • The 80/20 rule applies to toxic Internet behaviors as well, 20 percent (or less) of the user base is responsible for 80 percent of the toxicity.

    It’s always the same people being awful here, if you are taking notes, you can quickly identify the worst posters on this platform after a week. People always complain about how they are unfairly banned by reddit moderators, but you have to remember, sometimes the bans are really justified.

    I think the ony real (and unpleasant) solution is to moderate very aggressively whenever there is bad behavior (although, I must add, permanent bans should be rare and reserved for extremely bad behaviors)

  • I don’t think is federating correctly, but I’ll give my take here if some one can sees it.

    Beehaw will go the way of every other reddit alternatives, because the existing community is not enough to sustain the critical mass of activity needed. In fact, with the current instance policy, Beehaw is struggling to sustain itself as is with federation, which will only get worse if you defederate.

    I’m not sure why Beehaw refuse to use Lemmy’s white-list federation feature and selectively pick and choose who to federate with instead of going full scorched earth.

    It’s ultimately up to the admins at Beehaw to make this choice, but I would like to say, grass is not always greener on the other side, defederation will harm Beehaw more than it helps.

  • Here’s one that’s lazy, pretty much foolproof, and uses all canned food from the pantry. (If you know what it’s called, good for you.)

    1. Add oil to stockpot, put in anchovies, dried red pepper, and garlic, fry it up a little bit until it smells good.
    2. Add in a can of crushed tomatoes, drained olives, and caper. Boil, then simmer.
    3. Cook some spaghetti to al dente(approximately 6-7 minute, SALT THE WATER, DON’T OIL THE WATER)
    4. Drain the pasta and mix into sauce, add olive oil and Parmesan to taste, serve.