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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 24th, 2024


  • The sequel trilogy was made by two different people who had completely different visions of Star Wars and did not communicate. The first movie was total nostalgia bait and fun, with a little bit of thematic playing around with the politics of neo naziism. The second movie was a philosophical musing on the power and flaws of legends, capitalism, war, and ordinary people. The third movie undid every theme in the second movie so it could focus on nostalgia bait and fun, with nothing important to say except for a weird side plot about stepsibling incest.

    The reason we don’t see any of the inciting incidents for anything that’s going on is that JJ Abrams wanted to copy George Lucas’ trick of doing a story that starts in media res and not explaining previous events until several decades later. Because Abrams was nostalgic for the original Star Wars movies. That’s it, that’s the entire reason. Abrams didn’t even bother writing down why Luke is in hiding from the war, he just wrote up until the point Rey reaches Ahch-To and put the pencil down. Then Rian Johnson had to figure out a compelling reason on his own without contradicting anything that had already been done, and he came up with the idea that Luke wants the Jedi to end. That’s why the movies are the way they are.

  • This shit is why I see people saying “Luke Skywalker would never make a mistake, he’s a perfect Jedi Master and an unshakeable hero”, and I laugh. Completely missing the point of the movie and Luke’s entire arc in it. Those people are acting exactly like Rey does before she learns what being Luke Skywalker, the human being, is really like. The Last Jedi is a commentary on the kinds of people who think that way and how we should feel about how wrong they are.

    Also, as far as anyone knew at the time, Luke Skywalker was a random ass farm boy when he blew up the death star. Being the son of Darth Vader had nothing to do with it, except for the fact that it gave him access to a good mentor. The point of Star Wars when George Lucas made it in 1977, is that anyone can be a hero. And that’s also the other point of The Last Jedi. Luke doesn’t think the hero has to be a Jedi. He doesn’t think the hero should be a Jedi. At the end of the movie, we see a random ass stable boy use the force like it’s nothing. Because back in 1977, anyone could use the force if they just believed in themself and tried. The Last Jedi is a rejection of the later ideas of force sensitivity and midichlorians and prophecies and chosen ones. That’s why Rey’s parents are revealed to be unimportant assholes. The movie is rejecting the idea that the hero needs to be born special. Which is the same way Luke feels for the entire movie, and his arc never changes that.

  • MindTraveller@lemmy.caOPtoStar Wars@lemmy.worldEpisode 4 assassinated Obi-Wan's character
    19 days ago

    It sounds like you only watched the first half of the movie. Kylo Ren lies to Rey and says Luke tried to kill him, but then she talks to Luke and he explains it was all a misunderstanding. He never tried to kill Ben. He just panicked and drew his weapon for a split-second because he had a PTSD war flashback. Y’know, cause he’s a veteran. Ben woke up bleary-eyed in the middle of the night with a weapon over him and assumed the worst. We see Ben’s memory, but it’s all distorted from the actual truth. The reason everyone complains it doesn’t make sense is cause, well, yeah it doesn’t. It’s not true. It didn’t actually happen, it’s just Kylo Ren telling lies. We later see Luke’s memory and it’s way more reasonable and actually makes sense.

  • Yeah that’s exactly it. See, what Luke was really mad about was the legend of the Jedi. He was sick of being mythologised by the rest of the galaxy. Because the Republic mythologised the Jedi, and the Jedi became corrupt and created Darth Vader. And then Luke mythologised his Jedi war hero father, and he was wrong to do that. And then the galaxy mythologised him, and he failed.

    When Rey came to Ahch-To to learn from Luke, she thought the Jedi controlled people and lifted rocks. She didn’t understand the philosophy or the reality, all she had was a legend she didn’t really understand. That’s how people have been talking to Luke ever since he defeated the Empire, and he’s sick of it. Everyone thinks Luke is a perfect Jedi Master, and he’s ashamed of his failure and hates himself and wants everyone to stop hero worshipping him. He’s sick of letting everyone down and not being the perfect hero they expect of him.

    Luke’s character development in the movie was learning to use the legend as a tool. He uses the fact that he’s the unbeatable and mysterious Jedi master to mega tilt Kylo Ren and buy time for everyone else to escape. The only reason that shenanigan worked is that everyone thinks Luke Skywalker is larger than life.

  • Luke didn’t kill Snoke because he didn’t feel that he had the right. All that stuff he did in the OT, he did it in the name of the Jedi. From the beginning, Obi-Wan hyped him up on tales of his father the Jedi war hero, and told Luke to carry on that legacy. Once he learned that his father was a sith, he had his memories of Obi-Wan and Yoda to guide him. He was trying to honour the memory of the Jedi.

    When Luke failed with Ben Solo and destroyed his Jedi academy, he internalised the failure so badly that he decided the Jedi are a bad idea entirely. Look at history, the Jedi created Darth Vader and plunged the galaxy into fascism, and then along comes Luke who thinks he’s soooooo much better and goes and makes exactly the same mistakes and creates Kylo Ren and plunges the galaxy into fascism again! He blamed himself for thinking the Jedi could ever be a lasting positive force. He went to Ahch-To to die. And yeah, he’s in his head too much and he’s ignoring all the good he himself did as a Jedi during the OT, but Luke isn’t exactly known for being a rational or clear thinker at the best of times. He wanted to go die alone so that nobody would ever become a Jedi again, and nobody would repeat the failure that he repeated. He wanted the Resistance to defeat Snoke, not the Jedi, so that the galaxy could move on and find peace without the memory of the Jedi.