Both open and closed source got these.
Both open and closed source got these.
Amnesia - I wound not know that I have a password manager. I wound be very screwed. No one else in family even understand what it is. I don’t know what to do about it. At least they know I have a Gmail account. But I don’t use it for logins. Maybe I can regain access to my domain with BankID. I have the password file on phone, server and on my workstation. So I will be fine regarding hardware failure.
Learn when to say no. I have missed a lot because of this.
That is the point, we dont know what system they will come up with in the future. Lets build a social score system that we use to tax you economical and take past data into account. Hint China.
Because it can be used against you in one way or another. You never know were the data end up at. It could leak or the government force them to give the data and lower your score in any system.
I dont like Chrome have so big market share. Also it is making less dumb desions for me, you can actually disable stuff I dont like.
They insurance price will need to increase in these new risk zoones.
It is so funny how stuiped people are as they can’t see they are the reason. In China they need to wear masks due to the pollution makes the air unbreathable. They also burn coal to get electricity to run AC, especial now with the heat weaves.
I hate Python 3 requires parantes for print. Python 2 accepted print ‘hi’. Vs print(‘hi’)
You can on a website with HTML 5 specify exactly the font and how it should be interpreted. Those look exactly the same. Good. But if they are not use then often some old font names are used with no more info than size. If nothing specified then browser default font is used. But what about anti-aliasing and handling the hinting? It is about trick the eye to think something is very round when it in reality it built based on squared pixels. Microsoft Truetype was a must when you made the transition from CRT screens to LCD screens. I have seen websites were the text makes the column wider, into the need row and messing up the whole websites layout due to this. I think what it all comes down is that Microsoft old fonts are therefore still used a lot. On Android it is all okey due to we have such high DPI screens.
Yes, over the last years fonts have improved a lot, making the Desktop look good.
It would not help. They just buy a Chromebook instead because there are no other alternatives in the shop. It would be a different story if the thing when you start the new computer get a guide to choose your OS to use. Even better if Android was the same. EU should force this IMO.
Sure, backup is not something you can skip, but the others: Yes. And the backup option should show other alternatives like Veeam, otherwise they are abusing their position in the market and be banned from EU.
Yes, they dont respect the user choose either. Thinking it is their computer.
Shifting to Linux is a solution but not for everyone. Like IT only support Windows computers to minimize cost.
Me at home: If only I could pay someone to build as smooth fonts on Linux as it is on Windows in the web browser by default. Only when websites use fully custom fonts they look good. But default with new Times roman get unusual small or big without truetype etc. Also many applications in the Linux world have poor UI due to poor funding. Result is no designer and gigantic hit area for button due to too far between the buttons.
Just call it Script.