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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • I’m still on IRC! There’s a raw simplicity to it that I appreciate. You don’t have to use a bloated Electron app to connect to a proprietary service, you can just go straight text on the protocol-level in terminal (if you’re nuts), and the protocol is open and simple enough to understand that you can easily make your own client even if you’re a lazy or mediocre dev.

    So IRC, Lemmy, and I guess Instagram (if that counts)

  • What’s really cool is seeing actual conversations taking place. I’m actually able to comment here and I’m not immediately being drowned out by being one of ten thousand comments or constant contrarian trolling.

    It has also totally replaced Reddit for me. It reminds me a lot of the old internet and a bit of early Reddit. It’s a really cool experiment, and if it continues as-is I will be thrilled, and if not then I will forever have a sense of pride of what everyone here accomplished. It’s very cool.

  • I am also interested in alternatives as I still use Clockify. But I also need to rant about Clockify: oh my God it is so damn buggy. Whenever I use my VPN on Windows to connect to the office (split routing, so only traffic destined for the office goes over the VPN, not all traffic) Clockify goes in and out of “No internet connection…” for 5-10 seconds. It’s also constantly logging me out, and will sometimes pop up a ton of “new update available” dialogue windows at the same time.

    It also doesn’t have great rounding options. And one of my clients has a tiered billing structure (X dollars up to a certain number of hours, Y dollars for anything over that in the month) which I don’t think I can track in Clockify at all, so I end up doing all of that manually every month.

    I thought about looking for FOSS alternatives but haven’t gotten around to it yet. Also thought about doing my own FOSS thing with a paid hosted / support component, but I don’t have much cross-platform GUI dev experience.

  • Rural ass Appalachia

    haha say no more. I’m from Toronto and have never been to the Appalachians (rural or not), but uh… that area of America is well known. Infamous, even. I’m a bit surprised there’s a discernible gay community there at all. There’s a lot of “parTying” here too (I see what you did there), not my vibe at all. As someone from outside of America looking in (because we are perpetually bombarded with American culture) it seems like the vast majority of the country is anti-intellectual. Which is of course by design, it’s much easier to stage an authoritarian coup if the majority is too dumbed down to think critically and fight it. Plus starve the beast, wedge the class divide further, and you have masses of people fighting each other for crumbs. I suspect your life would be greatly improved if you were able to get the hell out of there (of course that is easier said than done). I can’t imagine it’s going to get much better there anytime soon.

    Wow, imagine waiting 10 years to be with a meth dealer. That man clearly has some serious issues. And the gall to assume that someone would agree to be in a long-term relationship with an expiry date. Plus if things end up going really well, and he doesn’t want to wait for his meth-man anymore and just be fully committed to you, you then have a potentially angry ex who just got out of jail, expecting his guy to still be waiting for him. No matter which way that would go it would be absurdly messy.

    They’d catfish a guy on Grindr, and then pummel the shit out of him.

    What in the fuck? If something like that happened here it would be front page news. But the way you describe it, and the fact that it has a colloquial term, makes it seem like it’s a common occurrence? That’s fucked up to the point that I wouldn’t be surprised if you could apply for asylum in Canada because of it.

    Okay, with all of that in mind I’d probably also be hesitant to accept and integrate friends into my life, and would have a very difficult time dating.