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Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • So, you’re close but wrong country. Russia tried to get rid of religion but failed. The Russian Orthodox Church just kind of became part of the government. That’s why you see the priests blessing Russian weapons and stuff.

    China on the other hand did get rid of religion pretty successfully. The reason communism strives to get rid of religion is because when people aren’t arguing over who’s imaginary supernatural friend loves his people more. It’s easier to get them to agree on things.

    Now, I’m not going to pretend that this is a perfect plan. After all successfully getting rid of religion comes with a whole new set of pitfalls. But, I personally think the pros outweigh the cons.

  • So, I’m not a psychiatrist. I am, However, a parent to a child who receives disability for autism. The hacker has also been reported to be autistic. Now I’m not going to talk about how different autism can be from one person to the next, but one of the first things you are taught is to try and redirect their negative behaviors into something more positive.

    In this case that could look something like. “Hey, instead of illegally hacking companies. How about you come to work for the government and have a high paying job hacking for us.” You know that sort of thing.

    The kid is talented. Sitting in a prison of any kind is wasting those talents. He would still need a lot of supervision in the above scenario. But he’d still be doing what he loves and presumably contributing to society.

  • I mean I think that the reasons are just as varied as people themselves. I think a lot of times it’s tradition in the sense that their parents believed it, there parent’s parents believed in it. So, it’s easy to just do what everyone else does.

    Then you have, especially in Islamic countries a situation where their religion is everything. From the government, to the judicial system, to the education system, and of course the religion. It’s a way to control the masses. I think it was Hitler that said “He alone that owns the youth gains the future”. Indoctrinate your people early and reinforce it every step of the way.

    Then you also have a situation where Muslims pray multiple times a day. Once again this just reinforces the indoctrination, but it also serves as a constant reminder that if you “sin” bad things will happen.

    All of these things and more help to cement a tight grip on a population. There is a YouTube channel hosted by an ex-Muslim that I find interesting. The dude is way smarter than I. The channel is called “Apostate Aladdin”. He does a great job of explaining things in easy to digest ways.

  • I wouldn’t exactly call anger tears “crying”. Crying suggests a steady flow of tears where as anger tears are usually just a handful at most.

    But yes I literally had a couple of tears thinking about it. In my experience I have both experienced firsthand and seen unimaginable suffering. The English language lacks the proper words to describe how awful this suffering is. I could explain it to you and you still wouldn’t understand just how bad it is.

    But I’ve only ever heard a grown ass man call out for his mother twice. Once with George Floyd, and once with Tyre Nichols. I know pain, and I know suffering, but just like if I tried to explain the suffering I know to you. You would be unable to truly comprehend it. I can’t comprehend the pain and suffering that those 2 men endured.

    I don’t care what you did. No human deserves to die at the hands of another human while calling out for their mother.

    Just to be clear. I’m not a great nice person. I have injected a pregnant woman with heroin because she was too dope sick to do it herself, and way worse. I have led a pretty abhorrent life.

    But even amongst monsters some crimes are inexcusable.

  • I have looked at gore and just the most horrible things mankind has to offer since I was a kid. I’ve watched taliban executions. I’ve watched cartel videos and yes I’ve seen funky town.

    Nothing, and I mean nothing fills me with rage like having to remember that I saw a video of George Floyd die while begging for his god damn mother. Even as I’m typing this I’m so angry that I am literally in tears. That racist piece of shit doesn’t even know that prison is the safest place for him.

    I’m not a believer in the death penalty, because there is too much room for error. But I saw what that man did. There’s no mistake that he murdered a man in cold blood because he had to show everyone that he was in charge. If ever a man should have received the death penalty it’s Derek Chauvin.