Just a silly feller

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • I have a vegan friend who eats pretty normally and does olympic weightlifting for fun, he’s pretty jacked. I couldn’t find anything to back up your ED claim, any sources?

    Also sure, not everyone can eat like everyone else. But you’re telling everyone to make all their own food from scratch and if you’re doing that then a vegan diet is one of the most affordable ways to do it. I love cooking all my own meals from scratch and I just use vegies and mostly whole foods. and no you don’t need to spend every waking hour eating lentils, I usually don’t even eat lunch and I maintain my weight and muscle just fine. You can’t just make up stuff about vegan diets and pretend you’re right. It’s silly.

  • Did you know that before we bred sheep for wool they didn’t need to be shorn? Now if they escape they are likely to die because their wool gets too heavy for them to do anything. They also get castrated and have their tails docked and have mulesing done, almost always without anaesthetic. And Once the wool isn’t any good they get shipped off to be slaughtered for meat. Usually in bad conditions that cause many to die en route. Imagine any of those things being done to you and say you wouldn’t be a victim of something. I honestly don’t know how some people can be so confidently incorrect about something.

    You like to consume animal products and you’re indifferent to their suffering for whatever reason, it’s ok, just stop pretending like anything else is the case.

  • This might sound like a crazy answer from a crazy person but hear me out. If they are good people and you’re somewhat familiar with them, just call them kooks, say that shit’s all made up and dismiss it. just don’t be aggressive about it, people can still be on good terms without agreeing on everything. Just be like “nah man, no way that happened these shows are just people who want attention, if it was real there’d be better evidence and it’d be all over the news.”

    I honestly think this is the best way to go, you’re engaging them honestly, attacking the show, not them. And so long as you don’t get hung up on their response or ‘winning the argument’ I think you can all remain on good terms. How you go about this obviously depends on how friendly you are with them but if they’re good people they’ll still be your friend even if you’re too dumb to see the truth about aliens.