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Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • That line about competent bastards is running right through the Tory party at the moment.

    Saatchi - former party chairman and the guy who came up with “labour isn’t working” has been saying the same thing.

    It’s interesting that their response to this is always “we should be more competent” and never “we should stop being bastards”.

  • I mean the big problem is how the labour party will whip.

    PR is a significant issue, that changes how much power a party will have in the future. If PR goes through, it’s quite likely that no party will ever have enough MPs to rule without support of another party. It’s also likely to lead to the larger parties splitting into different factions. Because of this, the labour leadership are going to have strong opinions about it, and if they don’t support it, they will probably force their MPs to oppose it by using the party whips.

    There’s one thing it will do, and that’s decrease legitimacy of the current system. If Labour get a supermajority and end up with 70% of the seats on 45% of the vote, it makes it very obvious that first past the post isn’t working. With that and what’s likely to be every other party calling for voting reform, it does make a cross party consensus on voting reform more likely.

  • There’s basically a hierarchy in political decision making.

    1. Doing things that are good for the country.
    2. Doing things that voters want.
    3. Doing things your party wants.

    1 should be the reason you get into politics in the first place because you want to make the world a better place. 2 is also super important, we live in a democracy and if you don’t give people some of what they want you’re not doing your job. 3 is basically day to day politicking. You throw red meat to members of the party so they continue to support you.

    The Tory party is now so up their own arses that they only do 3 in the hope that they won’t tear themselves apart. This is some random anti-woke bullshit, that will mean it’s harder to catch and prevent child abuse, and kids can’t learn basic biology. And it doesn’t even appeal to what’s left of their fanbase.

  • I’m surprised they found that there is no evidence that using these platforms is “rewiring” children’s brains. Wasn’t it shown that social media companies base pretty much their entire technical decision making on psychologically conditioning not just children’s brains but everyone who uses it?

    Not really. There’s a difference between things being sticky and actually altering the brain.

    Yeah, we spend more time on social media than we intend, but I also take longer to get up in the morning than I’d like. The big question is does this alter the rest of my behaviour, or my mental state, when I’m not doom scrolling or refusing to leave my duvet?

    That’s a much harder question to answer, and the evidence is a lot more mixed.

  • Nah. The honest truth is that the EU doesn’t care that much about the UK.

    It’s much more like someone storming out their local pub and refusing to come back. It’s a big deal to the guy that left, but a much smaller deal to everyone still drinking in the pub.

    If the UK stops acting like a dick and pays for their share they’d be eventually welcome back, once it looked like they’d actually learnt their lesson and wouldn’t do it again. The real barriers to rejoining are on the UK side. No one wants to reopen that can of worms.

  • My understanding is that they just didn’t realise she had to resign before going on the honours list.

    Basically the problem is a lot more nuanced than you can’t sit in both houses at once, it’s that you can’t be considered to sit in one house if you already have the right to sit in another. Otherwise, people could just pogo back and forth between the two houses as was convenient.

    So all the people in the house of lords that wanted to stand as an MP had to resign from the lords first, and I guess it works in the other direction.

    Doris only made a fuss about staying as MP when she found out she wasn’t getting the peerage. Before that she didn’t seem to care.