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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • However, cost is currently a prohibitive issue to widespread use, the researchers said. While petroleum is readily available to siphon from the ground, widespread infrastructure for algae farming will be needed for plastics made of the bio-based polymer to become used en masse, Burkart said.

    However, the process the researchers devised can also be applied to other plant-based material, Burkart said.

    The researchers hope their new process can eventually be implemented widely for food packaging, Pomeroy said.

    “But if you’re going to ask me, ‘Could we do this with anything?’ I’m pretty sure we could do this with most anything,” he said.

    Sounds like an economy of scales problem, and the scale isn’t there. Fixable, but not great.

  • It’s normal to use AC for billions of people already, so it is a solution to our reality as it is.

    A solution would end the problem. AC does not do that. In fact it is the opposite since heavier AC use leads to higher energy use which ultimately means more greenhouse gasses.

    It’s a band aid. It allievates the symptoms, and only for those who can afford it.

    The solution is to end our production of greenhouse gasses.

    If your grid is overloaded, get some solar panels and make your own power off-grid. If your air conditioner breaks, buy another one or keep a spare one on hand. That’s what the fuck I’m gonna do, because AC is great and I love having it.

    Not everybody can afford that.

  • The building manager, Oscar, was recently put in charge of the whole department/building because things weren’t working out well. Well it got worse under Oscar. First he made a push to end working from home, and then he got into so many arguments and fights with my boss Theo. It didn’t take long for Theo to say fuck it and leave, which is when things got worse.

    For a 2 month period or so, our entire team of like 13 people were in limbo with no direction. Oscar temporarily took control of our team until he found a replacement. And in that time he constantly was grilling us for answers about what our team did and how it worked. Not fun. A little bit later he fired two people off our team.

    We then got a replacement manager, David. He’s not the best manager, but he’s not the worst. He struggles to comprehend what our team does, but he trusts that we know enough to get by with a little bit of direction on what project we should be working on. Another 2 people left over the course of a few months on their own.

    Then in March, Oscar fired about 30 people across the department for “budget” reasons. From what I heard, the company lost a shit load of money due to all the project delays. Those delays have only gotten worse now that morale is in the garbage. Nobody wants to work hard at a place they fear they will be fired from at any moment while constantly being interrogated by Oscar. Some more people left on their own over the following months.

    Cut to today, and there are 5 people left on the team I’m in. And I put my two weeks notice in because I got a better job. I don’t know what kind of shit show it’s gonna turn into, or what’s gonna happen when there is nobody left on my team. But on my team at least, every member has been looking for the door, and it’s been a race to not be the last person still working there.

    So yeah, if your a manager, maybe don’t interrogate people and make people fear for their livelihoods.