
Trying to centralize my fediverse use with kbin but still with (rarely used) accounts on:

Lemmy: @Ooops &
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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • But that would solve something. And that’s not wanted.

    So instead we will lament ballooning costs and build times for nuclear and invent narratives how that’s totally not caused by nuclear being a shitty alternative to renewables and storage.

    This way we can spend another few decades on building a none-solution while just accidently also having sunk so much money already that changing to an actual solution doesn’t make sense anymore.

    Oh, sorry. Were we expected to stop burning fossil fuels? Doesn’t seem to work for some reason, but don’t worry. Building nuclear will totally solve this. Any decade now… (And no, we totally did not build to little anyway, just to make sure it will never solve anything even if the unimaginable happens and build times and costs become manageable…)

  • Sadly I’m still pretty sure the most damage here has been done by Ukraine itself:

    Yes, of course there are some nazis in Ukraine. Sadly every country seem to have some fringe right-wing morons. And using them to fight Russia, especially in a time when the offcial army wasn’t up to the task yet, was understandable.

    But that’s not the main problem. The main problem is doubt that Ukraine will be able to handle them at some point when it’s necessary. And when -to paraphrase Ukraine’s then ambassador to Germany for example in 2015- the answer to the question if they realize that this can become a problem down the road is: “No, you are lying to help Russian propaganda! There are and never in history were any right-wing groups in Ukraine!” that’s a pretty big indicator that they won’t manage that problem ever. Because acknowledging it exists would have been the required first step instead of spewing insane rants.

  • Maybe you personally. But money would actually solve all their problems.

    All they provide today is a shitty job with bad pay and no future prospects.

    They are not finding enough soldiers because all these soft modern young adults are too selfish for that job, just like companies find no employees because those spoiled brats are too lazy to work. Obviously none of it has to do with not providing reasonable payments of course. So forced labor is the the proposed solution.

  • All I read here is: “I am stupid and could not be bothered to open a history book ever. So I am delusionally calling everything I don’t like a pogrom, everyone I dislike a nazi and pretend that I’m a holocaust 2.0 victim. And then I detach myself completely from reality and tell the lie that countries supporting mine for decades and (unlike me) working for a free and independent state actually want to get rid of me. Because how else could I justify my righteous hatred of everyone else?”

    Just fuck off. Delusional rabid morons like you are the problem.

    PS: Nice touch with the “old dottering liberals” in control in Germany btw… Showing that it’s not just history you are lacking in but you just use every term as an insult while obviously not understanding its meaning, really crowns this master piece of stupid narratives.

  • Funny how those people protesting openly for Palestinians without any problem, the people constantly criticising Israel’s government openly and in the media and the people equally loudly critisising the German government for their one-sided comments in the beginning are somehow telling the story of how they are suppressed and censored. (Funnily enough the other half also criticed them, but for not instantly stopping humanitarian aid to Gaza… so basically it doesn’t matter anymore anyway. The government is wrong by definition, then people look for arguments to justify that statment.)

    And yeah, sure. We know that fairy tale about not being allowed to say anything is popular, the other morons on the conservative to right side sing the same song. But it gets really boring after a while. In particular when you complain about not being allowed to speak quite openly in the media.

    If you don’t feel home in Germany because the support of Israel after an outright terror attack frustrates you or because you feel censored for not being allowed to openly call for the murder of all jews (or the destruction of Germany to create a new caliphate here - yes that also happened and was a reason for some restrictions on protests), then we did a good job for once. Yes, you are not supposed to feel home here.

    The other saner ones can happily join with Germans also constantly criticising Israel. We know that there is no good side in this conflict. And Israel’s goverment has enough right-wing idiots competing with Hamas in insane genocide narratives (that are at best lightly criticised for their comments when such lunatics shouldn’t have a job in government at all) to have earned their fair share of the blame.

    Ffs… if you want to honestly criticise anything, then there is enough. Acts from fringe idiots against muslims are happening, just like acts of antisemitism are happening. Most of those are commited by a stupid minority that is fortunately shrinking, but sadly also becoming more radical and visible. I feel for everyone on both sides that is feeling less safe in Germany at the moment (although I really don’t think that this isn’t a German problem - not when I open international news and get similiar reports from elsewhere). That’s something we can’t talk enough about so please address those problems loudly.

    But people pretending to (or actually feeling) suppressed because they can’t call for a genocide openly anymore or who alternatively try to innocently criticise Israel’s government while openly associating with those genocidal voices… please leave.

    And people seeing a rise in antisemitic and anti-muslim actions rise side-by-side, even acknowledging that it’s coming from the same right-wing idiots (like the one quoted in the article), but then turning around and criticising Germany’s support of Israel’s right to exist as the reason to not feel at home here anymore… get your head checked.

    Or stop lying… saying you are not allowed to protest for a free country in a report that actually shows a picture from a recent demonstration, prominently showing “Freedom for Plalestine” and “Stop the occupation terror” banners is either delusional or a bad attempt of gas lighting.