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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Our Hillary? As in Clinton? That’s not how I’d put it. JCs a chap who has stood up for the oppressed against oppressors regardless of who they were. He was an actual reformer, and wanted to actually help people, his party threw 2 elections for the sake of the status quo and corporate interests, and did nothing about the smear campaigns against him. The British public mostly liked him though and he brought more people to his party than basically ever, people used to sing his name.

    Hillary? I mean, she was a democrat but in no way a reformer, things would have just been status quo under her like they are under Biden.

  • My current understanding is this:

    Sex is chromosomes, immutable, unchanged, majority binary with some exceptions (xxy etc).

    Gender is expression and roles, which is just social construct stuff, how it’s expected genders to look and act, tradition, doesn’t really matter, can change as we see fit.

    Your post has very much confused me, would you defining sex, gender, gender expression and gender identity for me?

    I’m an ally but I need concrete definitions to make arguments against the anti-trans folks.

  • The party’s official position is that it supports transgender people and backs making it easier to change legal sex via self-determination.

    But there are long-running tensions with members who hold gender-critical beliefs, which includes that a person’s sex cannot be changed.

    They mean gender right? Who in this is confusing sex and gender again? Is it the green party or the BBC or both, I literally cannot tell after reading this.