• 13 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023

  • We’re literally having this conversation because you just can’t accept that not all men deserve to be placed in your generalisation that men = bad.

    We are literally having this conversation because you’re hyperdefensive and equate women being cautious of and scared of men with them thinking men are bad.

    I’m guessing you’d be scared of a bear, do you think bears are evil? Do you hate bears?

    Say you pick the bear because of the bad ones out there, and not because no man is trustworthy.

    Literally no one is saying that, you’re shadowboxing.

    That will at least clarify that it’s an argument from emotions and not logic, since if you try to break it down statistically this stops making rational sense.

    It literally is from logic that you refuse to understand.

    Everything I asked, since my first comment, was to stop generalising. Why is this so offensive to you that you had to go this far?

    You still don’t get that the issue is that you’re claiming it is generalization when the issue is that women aren’t fucking mindreaders and men often conceal their motives and blend in with more benign men. You have to be cautious around men because you don’t know what you’re getting.

    You’re basically proving my point that you’re only listening to yourself and have no empathy for the 9/10 other innocent guys you lump together with your generalising.

    Oh, no, I bet it has to be really hard being viewed with distrust because men as a whole behave badly. The problem is that that feeling doesn’t permit you to tell women that they should stop being cautious and that their fears are unreasonable.

  • You’re once again equating me to the worst men you know. Simply because I defend myself from an undeserved insult for being a man. I can’t tell anyone’s orientation either, but what I know is that there is a close to 0 chance of SA from someone who’s not interested in your gender, which is the main “bear” argument.

    The bear argument is about a random man lol. Why do you think it is about you personally?

    And of course I’m equating being ostracized and beleaguered by women in general to a punishment, who wouldn’t?

    Being cautious around someone is not the same as ostracizing someone.

    I’m not interested in them romantically? No, it fucking sucks to be told along the lines of: you’re part of this group which you have no control over, and thus you deserve all the shit we say online about you, oh but don’t worry it’s not applicable to you specifically, we’d just still pick a bear over your kind, is all.

    It straight up isn’t about you specifically though, except you’re the type to freak out about it so maybe it is about you. I certainly wouldn’t be willing to have this conversation with you in person, you’re acting aggrieved about women expressing their feelings. Seriously, why don’t you just scream at women to stop feeling the way they feel about men some more, I’m sure that will help things.

    It’s also permissive to say I can’t complain about you all picking bear and insinuating we’re all equally as bad as the worst out there.

    Permissive of what though? Because I was complaining about men creating a permissive culture around disrespecting and mistreating women.

  • Hexbear thread dunking on this:


    Highlights include

    Funny how we constantly get told we support capitalist Russia, yet they never actually provide evidence for that.

    I’m not surprised tho as lying about communists seems to be second nature to Western bootlickers


    i love how that dude makes an absolutely ridiculous assumption, as i’ve never seen a “tankie” deny that current russia is reactionary as fuck, but since he’s saying Bad Thing about The Tankies everyone just goes “hmm yea those tankies amirite? smh”

    liberals are fucking idiots, they never have any idea of what they’re actually talking about and just throw around concepts and categories with the level of understanding of a monkey playing with a power tool


    “We support the Russian Federation’s opposition to US imperialism. We oppose their reactionary government including the state suppression of lgbtq+ people, minority nationalities and ethnic groups, etc. Using these issues as cudgels for US/NATO imperialism hurts all people in Russia, including oppressed minorities, and undermines the progressive nature of those liberation struggles in that country.”

    “Smdh tankies are pro-russia homophobes”