A soup.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • I have a heat pump heating and cooling my basement in Atlantic Canada.

    Temperatures in the winter hold steady around -20C with some dips a few times in the -40c range when accounting for windchill.

    Works just fine. I keep my basement a nice 21C. Heating works well. I see lots of disinfo posted online about heat pumps not working in the cold and it’s all horseshit. Make sure you’re buying a heat pump that’s built for colder temperatures and you’re golden.

  • I have simultaneously merged with my desk. My bowels have been displaced and are now bisected with bamboo. I feel simultaneously ripped apart and yet stuck and solid. Every point of my being is as though it has been engulfed in flames. My existence and identity has now become insufferable pain. I feel an impending sense of doom at a foreign body now lodged inside of me.

    There are no wounds for me to bleed from and I cannot gasp for air to scream. My spinal cord has been severed and I feel hot prickles on my cheeks and my ears feel as though they are being stuffed with cotton. An internal white hot pressure feeling erupts up my now-fractured spine until it reaches the back of my head and radiates towards my forehead. My peripheral vision looks like static and everything appears to shake. I am unable to make sense of anything and everything goes dark and still.

    U killed me op wow

  • Because swearing is a natural part of the human experience and most level headed people don’t feel the need to suppress human expression.

    Swearing serves an important biological need to express emotion and communicate. Psychologically, we swear to express strong emotions and when people swear, they are inherently viewed as more trustworthy or honest. Swearing helps people bond.