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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • The flipside is that unless you’re hired to be someone’s teacher, nobody is obligated to explain things to anybody else. There are also “the journey is the destination” type questions where the answer doesn’t matter as much as the process of figuring it out yourself. Like science experiments in school where the answer is already known and the point is to teach kids certain ways of thinking or how to use certain tools. So yeah, there are legitimate reasons to say that, but a lot of the time it is indeed a cop-out. And your example is absolutely one of those times.

  • It’s called the Network Effect. Most people, like you, want to be on the platform that everyone else is using. Others want to be on the “best” platform (whatever that means for them) and when they find one they like, they’ll start advertising it to others. Eventually, enough people will move to a new platform that it starts making sense for people like you to move there as well.

    Remember how everyone used to be on ICQ, then MSN Messenger, etc? It used to happen a lot with messaging and social media platforms until Facebook and Twitter got big enough to start buying and shutting down the competition. It’s happening now with people leaving Reddit for Fediverse platforms like Kbin and Lemmy.

    There is nothing wrong with waiting for the Network Effect to push you to a new platform, if it ever does. The point of social media is being social - if you’re there to interact with friends, you obviously want to be where your friends are.

  • There is the Android Open Source Project (AOSP), and then there’s Google’s Android, which has both open and closed components (e.g. proprietary media codecs). There is such a thing as a pure, open-source Android, but what Google ships is not 100% open.

    Think of it like Google’s browser: AOSP is Chromium, the Android that comes with your phone is Google Chrome.

  • Aren’t we moving the goalposts here? You went from saying that people don’t do purely detrimental things to saying that they have reasons for doing purely detrimental things. I never said otherwise. Where do you think half that list came from? Personal experience.

    People do purely detrimental things all the time because we are stupid hairless monkeys. Smoking cancer sticks is a prime example.

  • Actually, people have been smoking pot and tobacco for millenia. Moses saw God in a burning bush, do you think that bush was lavender?

    But when your life expectancy is 50, odds are something else will get you before the cancer and lung failure do. Life expectancy now is over 80. That’s 30 extra years for all that tar in your lungs to bring you to your knees.

  • People don’t do things that are purely detrimental? How about…

    Suicide, drunk driving, yelling at your boss, antagonizing people who might be armed, commiting crimes in places where you should know there are cameras, intentionally posting racist shit on social media where potential employers will see it, eating unidentified mushrooms, smoking crack, smoking meth, snorting cocaine, shooting heroin, speedballing, k-holing in a public place, shacking up in a public restroom, defecating in a public pool, fake attempting suicide just to get attention, autoerotic asfixiation, watching a Fast & Furious movie, having unprotected sex with strangers, getting a tattoo of your current boyfriend or girlfriend"s name, signing up for a variable-rate loan, mixing Viagra and MDMA, paying for extra lives in mobile games, eating fast food, putting things inside your butthole that you’ll need a doctor to pull out later, trying to pet a dog that’s growling at you, trying to wax your own ass, having “just one more drink” on a Sunday night, impulse shopping, and trying to get some of that earwax out with a Q-tip even though you know that’s just going to push it further in and cause it to block your hearing on that side completely until you can get someone to squirt water into your earhole and flush out the earwax stopper you just made?

  • Are you serious? Take it from a fellow smoker, there are zero health benefits (I’ve dug that hole as deep as it can go) and if you’re not addicted now, it’s only a matter of time before you are. If you can stop whenever you want to, you should, and if you don’t want to, guess what: that’s what being addicted means.

    To be fair: nicotine is a mild stimulant, which could be a good thing. But caffeine is stronger, easier to regulate dosage, cheaper, less addictive, tastes a lot better, isn’t socially frowned upon, helps you to shit and doesn’t give you cancer. So smoking for the stimulant effect is a stupid thing to do.