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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Do you believe they should receive immediate massive military aid? Because we’re basically in a Mexican stand off with Russia and China right now. As soon as we pass a line for what intervention Russia is willing to tolerate, we will start a cascade of events that will lead to WW3, and possible nuclear war. Most of us don’t want to see the planet nuked into extinction over a small war on the other side of the planet.

    Granted, I think war is inevitable. But that doesn’t mean we should rush into it. The bloodshed will get exponentially worse the minute this war becomes bigger than Russia v Ukraine, and we’re already very close to the tipping point in my estimation.

  • This isn’t the reason piracy is coming back in my friend group. That reason would be the diversification of streaming sources. There’s no way I’m paying $100 a month for streaming from all the major players, especially if they include ads.

    When Netflix was all you needed, streaming was great and reasonable. It quickly became more trouble than it was worth over the last decade.