Finnish guy

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  • 10 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: February 1st, 2021


  • If the WHO had acknowledged from the start that COVID was airborne, it wouldn’t have been the mess we are currently in. Masking would be more prevalent and these indoor air quality measures could have been implemented faster. Health authorities could also have given more better advice, something other than “wash your hands”.

    What also bugs me that even though indoor air quality has been extensively researched here (this study as part of the E3 Pandemic Response project), this knowledge doesn’t properly transfer into political decision-making. Many health authorities have given advice like “wash your hands”, “wear a mask if you want to”, but it’s mostly anchored to the dreaded droplet dogma. The media has the talking heads from the THL (The Institute of Health and Welfare, “our CDC”) spouting their COVID minimizer propaganda that is disconnected from reality, and that has lead to downright disinformation being spread. But as COVID cases have been rising here, so has the sense that the health authorities haven’t done their job properly, and the society is finally waking up from the manufactured illusion of COVID being somehow “over”.

    We are certainly living in interesting times.

  • Orpo said that zero tolerance for racism is stated in the government’s programme, and yet the Finns Party is in the government coalition. The party that is “not racist, but #1 among racists”. The whole government lineup feels like a forced marriage with no clear common values, all the parties being only held together through the power of an illusion. This government will not last long, mark my words.

    Also what perplexes me is our media’s role in this – or more accurately revelations about Junnila not originating from media investigation but from independent bloggers and social media users. Foreign media called our new government far-right, whereas our media just called it “right-wing” and walked on eggshells, especially regarding the Finns Party. After the revelations caught enough flak on social media when all the new ministers were appointed, only then media started paying attention. Our media could have investigated all this for several weeks. Junnila’s resignation was mostly influenced by the pressure from civil society.

    Therefore it’s interesting to see whether our media is going to make news about Junnila and other Finns Party members, this time with more investigation, or do they consider their job done. Mari Rantanen gaining attention is hinting for the first option.

  • Up next is the interior minister Mari Rantanen (the Finns Party) who has previously made social media posts about the great replacement. Finland’s Interior Ministry considers the great replacement a far-right conspiracy theory. One reporter asked the PM Petteri Orpo (NCP) about this, considering how last week he said that the government has zero tolerance for flirting with extremist movements. He claimed not to know anything about this. “The Finns Party, as we know, is a little bit different player in politics.” Really ironic.

    This is embarrassing for Riikka Purra, the Finns Party leader. She had previously threatened to break up the government, should the confidence vote be against Junnila. Well, now Junnila himself resigned. Purra hasn’t said a single thing about this, what is she, a coward eating her words?

    This is also embarrassing for the NCP. All the party’s MPs present voted in favor of Junnila. One Jewish MP of the party refused to vote. The party showed how they could support a Nazi publicly and the Finns Party has them by the balls. For NCP, it seemed like Junnila being a Nazi wasn’t a problem, but Finland’s reputation getting tainted was. NCP is ready to bend over backwards as long as they get what they want – or if there’s no spine at all, no problem.