Is that Bobby?
I’d love to know what this would actually do.
Edit: Thanks for the responses and lively discussion!!
We hear ourselves all the time, but we don’t sound at all to ourselves the way we actually sound. We don’t have a sort of internal picture of ourselves to create dissonance with our reflection or photographs in the same way we do with our voices. It’s that dissonance that makes us distrust or dislike hearing ourselves as we actually sound because that isn’t the voice we identify with internally.
I think you have this flipped, though. It’s more like we hear ourselves all the time, but we don’t sound at all to ourselves the way we actually sound. We don’t have a sort of internal picture of ourselves to create dissonance with our reflection or photographs in the same way we do with our voices. It’s that dissonance that makes us distrust or dislike hearing ourselves as we actually sound because that isn’t the voice we identify with internally.
The ultimate conceit is that infinities are a wonderfully engaging concept, but truly comprehending them as a tangible thing is inherently futile. We want to make these comparisons. They do, in some ways, hold some kind of meaningful as a concept, because we like one thing to be bigger or better than the other. But, at the scale of infinity, these comparisons are arbitrary and largely meaningless in any practical way.
The mind-bending thing about it is thus: there are an infinite multitude of “you” throughout the multiverse expressing every “you” that could, or even could not, be. However, there are infinitely more realities with no “you” at all. The set of infinities containing an expression of “you” is necessarily smaller than the set of infinities that do not contain an expression of “you” simply owing to the very narrow nature of eventualities required to express “you” into existence. In point of fact, that set if infinitesimal labeled “you” is infinitesimal in comparison to the set labeled “not you”, and yet still uncountable in its infinity.
It’s even more crazy to consider the entire filesize for Vagrant Story is around 100mb. It’s incredibly economical for what it achieves.
Knights Field series. I never could get into them back in the day, but I’ve been on a retro kick with my Anbernic and got sucked into them. Ended up putting 20 hours so far into the English translation of the first Japanese KF.
Also, Vagrant Story. Pretty much same scenario where I rented it back in the day and bounced off the combat for not making any sense to me. Tried it recently and really dig it. The combat system is really quite clever once you understand it.
I feel that. It is still the game I have logged the most time with, which considering I’ve got about 1,300 hours in Elite Dangerous is kinda scary. Between the original Xbox, PC, and Xbox One BC, I’ve got about 1,800 hours in it. Thoroughly enjoyed breaking every aspect of Morrowind.
The O’Brian!
He SuuufFfFfffeerRrrrs
Spock in the Warp Core - Tamarian version of “The needs of the many…”
Kirk, his voice broken - An uncharacteristic display of emotion.
This might be the best Trekkified variant of this meme. Love it.
I’m pretty sure the first time we hear them say human in Last Outpost, it’s pronounced “hoomahn”.
Fried? Gagh is best served alive. There is no honor in consuming dead gagh!
Agreed. For a show that started out as just a parody, it pretty quickly developed into a spiritual spin-off.
Sometimes I wonder if Galaxy Quest didn’t understand Trek better than some actual Trek shows?
This ended up being the problem! I had it happen a few more times, always after ads, and backing out and playing did fix it. Thank you for the solution! Paramount really is a buggy mess of an app.
I don’t know what the deal was with that episode, but Time And Again is playing in 4:3. So I guess it’s just that one episode.
That actually literally happened to my mom. Went months with a front door that wouldn’t latch because they refused to repair it after the fact.
Long story short, building got struck by lightning and one of the units caught fire. Everyone evacuated. Billy Badass firefighter than proceeds to kick down my mom’s door after she’s already evacuated to make sure that the unit was unoccupied and that the fire hadn’t spread. Her unit was on the for end of the building from the lightning strike and fire.
I know lots of firefighters, and most of them are authoritarian adrenaline junkies.