Mfg, Nerd, #Entgineer, & #GladScientist, 🛸lifting minds to otherworldly realms with the power of physics 👽 #BecomeABeliever #GoForADryV #SeeTheLight

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Hydrogen is not currently a green energy. Green means the energy is produced in a manner which causes no harm to the environment. About 4% of all current hydrogen is “green”. Global supplies are manufactured with natrual gas (47%), coal (27%), oil (22%), and electrolysis (4%). According to the International Renewable Energy Agency, at least.. Huh.

    I guess I’m not really attacking a green energy, am I? I mean, I wasn’t before, but still. Discussing the difficulties of hydrogen at industrial scale isn’t attacking it, no matter how bad it hurts your feelings. It’s simply fact we cannot ignore.

    I’ve never heard a single naysayer claim solar or wind were impossible. Like, ever. This is pure unsupported, anecdotal nonsense.

    Unless you have factual support for your rebuttal that is relevant to the topic, you have lost my attention.

  • My coping mechanism to deal with untreated ADHD was to develop my working memory, so I have very good memory. It is like a superpower IMO. I remember lots of things like they were yesterday, that many others have simply forgotten.

    Because of ADHD I can get in “the zone” and focus solely on something for hours, lost in time. I vape a lot of weed to quiet my mind down to a reasonable level.