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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Redredme@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    6 months ago

    Hold up, hold up. “on linux such a thing doesnt exist” is a very bold statement for something containing millions of lines of code.

    There where and will be more then enough zero days in Linux, be it because of malice or incompetence.

    Open source doesn’t say anything about the quality of the code.

    Ever heard of log4j? Open source code…

  • If you watch, binge, all seasons se08 becomes more logical. There are small markers all over the series predicting it all. I didn’t pickup those at first (weekly) watch.

    I say more logical, not logical.

    Se01-se06 are still TV magic. Se07 (dany’s attack on the lannister convoy comes to mind) still is good and se08 just speed runs everything.

    I still think that was their only true mistake: speed running the season. It gave us everything we wanted. But in such a way nobody could enjoy it all. Jaime finally becoming true good only to return to his true love? (some very powerful acting there) Check. The long night? Check. End of the night king? Check. Ice dragon? Check. Arya voyage finally given meaning? Check. Jorahs redemption? Check. Cleganebowl? Check. Cersei dies? Check. Return of the mad king queen? Check. Theon’s redemption? Check. Destruction of kings landing? Check. Etc etc etc. It ticks all the boxes and more you didn’t even know they existed. It’s just that it ticks them in such an insane speed which results in gaps in the storytelling. Gaps of which some are filled if you binge it all but most will not.

    Se08 had to be 2 seasons. Season 8, ending with the long night, se09, the fall of the red keep.

    Yes, the 2nd dragon had to die for the sake of the story. Missandei had to die to cement Cersei being the baddest cruel bitch and complete dany’s arc to insanity. But like this? That was stuff for an entire episode. Not the final three minutes of one.

  • Im with the earlier “yeah… No.”


    “If people can take case-dependence for passwords”

    They cant now do they ? If they could passwords would be a-okay and there wouldn’t be any need for stickies on monitors, password managers, biometrics, SSO, MFA and passwordless authentication.

    The dumbest idea in computing is assuming everyone is as smart as you.

    They aren’t. Why isn’t *nix any bigger? Here’s your answer. People are stupid.

    Why did IT only finally took off with windows 3.11? because people could understand that. Barely. Most of us where way to dumb for everything which came before.

    Why does ipv6 acception takes so long? Because people are stupid and don’t get it. Nobody really gets hex. So they just stay with what they can read and more or less get. Even the hardest part of ip4, subnetting, has an easy way out: just add in there and it works. Doesnt work? Keep replacing 255 with zeros and eventually it will. Subnetting on ipv6? No idea. Let’s just disable ipv6 on the internal lan and leave everything on ipv4. Zero migration, zero risk, zero training needed.

    Why do so many companies only go half assed into cloud? Because they don’t get it.

    Powershell? Only half, a third even, of the admins truly get it.

    I could go on.

    Succes is build on simplicity.

  • Where I live (NL, EU) there are several charging stations (+20 spots) within a 10 mile radius. Every neighborhood has like 5-10 parking spots with a charger. Around 10-15% of the residential housing have their own high-power charging outlet. Office buildings have around the same percentage (10-15%) of their parking lot converted to charging parking spots. Even parking lots in cities come with that same percentage of charging stations these days.

    Next to that around 30% of all housing is equipped with solar panels. New office buildings and factories all have giant solar arrays on their roofs. No exceptions.

    In the EU the biggest problem is not willingness or effort. The biggest problem is reality. You can’t connect that all to a power grid designed in the 60s. Energy infrastructure is hard, big and slow to build. Our grid is full. We are building like mad men but it just isn’t realisable in a short time. Especially since all of the EU is building a new grid at the same time… Building (nuclear) power plants, wind mills, conversion stations, high power grid cables all takes a lot of time.

    But, mobility in the EU is starting to become too expensive for the median income. Here a litre of ron95 gasoline is around 2 euros. The purchase of new cars are taxed to insanity here in NL. Around 50% of the price is tax. A new electric vehicle with acceptable range is somewhere around 50-60k (ionic, ev5/6)

    Electric vehicles had all sorts of tax exemptions. That’s changing. Soon they’re also taxes to the fullest.

    Alas, everyone who doesn’t have a job which provides a car does what I do: drive that old piece of garbage till it really falls apart.

    And I think that are the 2 main reasons for the laxer rules on ice vehicles. Reality regarding the needed infrastructure and cost to the public. Everything has become so much more expensive the last 4 years.

  • Old school left center. We shouldn’t leave anyone behind and help those who can’t help themselves. If they can but they won’t… Well that’s a valid personal choice too but the society shouldn’t shoulder that burden.

    Woman’s rights I thought we fixed those but looking at that vid from that Spanish female reporter who got slapped on the ass mid interview I guess there is some work still left to be done there.

    Lgbtqi+. If you need that much letters and still can’t come up with a catchy sounding word you’re doing something wrong. But seriously, we’re all equal, be what you are, I’m cool. I do think we’re making this bigger then it really is. We’re overexposing it. Gays have been accepted for a long time in the society. But this focus on all issues be it gender, sexual orientation, transsexualism have resulted in a snap reaction to the other side by a big portion of our societies. I think it’s clear that yes, there’s something there which must be addressed and also yes, the way the “activists” are putting it in the spotlight and are playing the shame game results in an exact opposite reaction. Which results in conflict and bullshit like we’ve seen with ms. Harry Potter. Was it understandable, her pov, knowing what’s she’s been through? Most certainly yes. Is she wrong? Maybe. Possibly. I think so. Was the whole moronic reaction warranted? Most certainly not. Her pov should’ve started a discussion, you know, like grown ups do. What we got instead was a witch hunt, an inquisition. People shouting and a cussing and excluding others.

    Wasn’t the whole point of lgtbqi+ inclusion? And how do we accomplish that? By exclusion? That doesn’t seem right. That sounds stupid. That sounds like repeating the same errors.

    We live in a global society. We should accept and respect each other. Also the ones we don’t agree with. Sometimes it seems we crave for conflict instead of coexistence. Let’s agree to disagree and move on.

    Lastly I firmly believe in decriminalisation of all drugs. Why? We’re fighting a drugs war for as long as I can remember. A part of society craves for this stuff. Be it old school cigarettes, alcohol, narcotics, uppers, downers, etc. I say: let them. Slap a tax on it, regulate it so we’re sure there’s no bullshit in it and let it go.

    Bad for health? Looking at our society I see our industry spewing out all kinds of shit, dumping it in the environment. I see insecticides everywhere killing insects and us slowly.

    A percentage of society will always be addicted. Legal or illegal. We can’t counter it. But we can counter a lot of the criminal activities surrounding it by legalising it all.

    And I would like to add that NO GOVERNMENT EVER has any say about what goes on in one’s body. Abortion is always awful and always leaves a psychological mark. But sometimes it’s necessary.

  • Large cities, big tourist spots? Yes. Go in land and it’s game over. I’ve been in cajarc (beautiful spot, really!) this year, it’s on one of the compostela routes so they get a lot of pelgrims from al over the world. 1 waiter spoke good enough English to have a conversation with. 1.

  • Redredme@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlLanguages in the EU
    10 months ago

    You’re American. Marketing data says that you like all things French and Italian.

    Guess what happens next in this salesforce driven industry?


    East of Munich you’re best bet is German, but English is also spoken widely. West of Munich you’re more or less fine with English. In the northern countries we are used to the fact no one speaks our language so we all speak English, a lot of people French and a lot of German because it’s close to our own.

    Italians try English. As do most Spanish. Try is the magic word here, it’s like your Spanish after high school or my French. :)

    French don’t try. They speak French. Period. In hotels etc. (tourist spots) English is spoken by few employees. But they are there. :)

    In the balkans the situation is mixed. Some parts English, some German, some French, some Russian. I get by with an English/German mix in Croatia. my German is better then my French… But not a lot). Here in the Netherlands my level of German is widely called “steenkolen Duits” (coal German) because it’s course, harsh, hard and dirty)

    Anyway you’ll be fine. Have a great vacation.

  • Tbh amstaffs are quite low on the prey drive. Small terriers, dachshunds, schnauzers, pointers, setters and dalmatians on the other hand have a very big prey drive.

    I mean, they are not called hunting dogs, retriever, setter or pointers for nothing. And small terriers have for centuries been bred to kill every rat, mice and what have you in their vincinity.

    But yeah, in the end all dogs are predators. And if you let them go unchecked bad things will happen. Especially when you have a powerful breed.

    Cats do the same BTW. But for some reason we’re OK with dead mice and birds around the house.

    All in all its the same discussion as with guns (and cars): guns don’t kill people, people kill people. And with dogs it’s more or less the same: bad or owners who are Inattentive will Allmost always result in big problems.

    And while I do love amstaffs, they can be such chill and fun hunks of love, I can’t deny that they do real damage, more damage when left unchecked and we should probably regulate ownership like with guns and cars.

    I do not think outright banning a breed is the solution. Because other breeds are just as susceptible to bad ownership. It will not solve it. The problem will just move away from amstaffs back too rottweilers and dobermans. Or another big powerful breed.

    Like with guns we should make it harder for the assholes to acquire one. And like with cars you should prove yourself to be able to take care of one.

  • Redredme@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    No. There are already plenty examples of this. Thinking this will happen in the near future (100 years) is a fairytale.

    As long as you don’t have vocal cords capable of creating effective speech and you don’t have appendages with which is possible to create and use tools you’re fucked.

    Examples? Plenty, let’s go:

    Pig: As intelligent as a 6 year old. What we do to them makes Auswitz looks like summer camp.

    Dolphins: pushed into a bay and murdered by the hundreds. Thousands (millions?) die each year in the nets of our floating fishing factories. Their intellect is at least that of a 6 year old and most probably way more.

    Whales: hunted to virtual extinction. Way more intelligent then a 6 year old.

    Elephants: show clear sociological traits. Remembers stuff over a long time. Grieve over death. Hunted for their big ass teeth.

    Apes: our close relatives. Hunted for meat. Most species of them easily operate at 10-12 year old level. Can use tools but can not create them. At the current path they’re on in the wild (extinction). They will never reach the stone age.

    We rule. Harshly.

  • “All children deserve equal participation and more opportunities through inclusive education,” Brandenburg said.

    I concur. Unfortunately I also somewhat concur with this weird guy on this topic because the current system does not result in equal participation.

    The current system results in a lot of unhappy parents and unhappy students and burned out teachers.

    That doesn’t sound or look viable. But it is what we got in a lot of the EU.

    The inclusion project almost always results in exclusion. Only in the first few years it does work.

    After that it quickly becomes very apparent for all the kids that that one kid is different. And that the teacher spends all most all his time on that one kid. Which results in envy and jealousy. And that one kid also feels like shit because of that.

    Kids, like adults, can and will be very mean.

    In the school of my kids I’ve seen it work twice, in 13 years. All the other times it ended with a premature departure of the special needs kid.

    Now I’m not talking about mild autism or mild adhd or a small mental deficiency. Those are manageable and those kids should be teached at a “normal” school. I’m talking about the severe cases of those and syndromes like down.

    (source parent of 3 kids, in the Netherlands with somewhat the same system.)

  • Redredme@lemmy.worldtoMastodon@lemmy.mlIs not that god damn hard.
    1 year ago

    Some?? In my experience ALL.

    The older generation grew up in the time that you had “to get it” on some level to do anything.

    The current gen ((my) kids 12,15) just don’t use it the moment it doesn’t work. Zero effort, zero will to learn. Because there’s always another option which does work instantly. Fuck privacy, fuck my rights.