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Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • That’s not really accurate.

    Traditional generation relies primarily on huge “base load” generation plants: nuclear, coal, etc. These plants can only fulfill the “base load” - the minimum demand during the day. To make these plants more effective, generators incentivized off-peak consumption: raise the minimum, overnight load, and the base load plants can take on a much higher percentage of the total demand. Steel mills, aluminum smelters, and other heavy industries have been pushed to move their demand to overnight hours, to make base generation more efficient and effective.

    As wind and solar take over larger shares of total production, the incentives reverse. Daytime power becomes extraordinarily easy to produce, and nighttime power becomes progressively more difficult. We stop encouraging heavy industry to operate overnight, and shift them to the day.

    This sort of “Demand Shaping” is the real solution; grid-scale storage and natural gas generation are only for those essential overnight loads that we just can’t shed.

    Further, hydrogen electrolysis offers a sustainable and scalable, long-term grid storage method. We can soak up every excess watt we can produce during long summer days to crack water, and use it for power during the winter. The availability of that additional load allows us to overbuild solar and wind, far in excess of our immediate needs.

  • John Kerry was a Lieutenant in the Navy, an O3. He commanded a swift boat, which were typically crewed by about 5 people. He was a low-level officer. The civilian equivalent of John Kerry’s military command was the produce manager at a grocery store.

    Mark Kelly was a Captain in the Navy, an O7. Captains command hundreds to thousands of sailors, depending on their specific posting. The civilian equivalent of his position was CEO of a fortune 500 company, (albeit, a smaller one)

    John Kerry ran against GW Bush, who was a First Lieutenant (O2) in the Air National Guard and a fighter pilot. As they had comparable military careers, Kerry’s background was a wash.

    Mark Kelly will be running against Cadet Bone Spurs.

    Based on their military careers, John Kerry and George Bush were dirt bikes, Mark Kelly was a Formula One car, and Donald Trump wet his pants when the engines started, and cried until his mommy took him home.

    The simple fact is that if Kelly is the nominee, you’ll vote for him. You’ll vote for whoever is on the ticket. “Blue, no matter who” voters give the party room to focus on pickier constituents.

    The voters we need to focus on are those in swing states and red states who would otherwise stay home, or cast a vote for Trump.

    Kelly has proven he can win in red states. It’s time to tag him in.