• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023

  • “use the link or cancel the attachment”

    The criteria where you would want to “cancel the attachment” here, is when a link would have been inserted in it’s stead.

    I’m not upset. I am utterly bewildered at how a (presumably) functional adult in 2024 doesn’t understand basic email or how cloud drives work.

    In looking back I realize that you’re one of those people who confuse emphasis with anger. I can’t really help you there. Out of curiosity, are you the type of person that reads a sentence with a period at the end as aggressive in a text message?

    You say something like: “I think we should do x”

    Person replies as: “Ok that should be fine.”

    Do you read the response as aggressive (active or passive)?

  • Nope, I just deal with OneDrive support constantly and I can say definitively that it’s pretty decent at what it does, and if the links you are getting or sending are not working, it is your fault.

    If you want to bitch about something substantive, how about bitching about how 365 has like 20 admin panels that are opaque about what they are and what they do, terrible menu layouts in those menus, etc.

    That stuff is a very real problem.

    Some boomer who can’t figure out how cloud drives work is not a real issue.

  • You are strawmanning me. I never said no influence. I said that influence does not equal control. The us has a lot of influence, but as a parallel, did the entire rest of the world advising the us against invading iraq do anything to stop the us? No. The US said “You’re either with us or against us.”.

    I also never suggested that we were getting power coupons in return. What I said was that foreign policy is about power and power coupons.

    If Israel is hell bent on doing what they are doing there is no amount of influence that is going to stop them. If at that point you suggest doing it militarily, I would dismiss you for being a blithering idiot.

    We have been exercising our influence. Are you fucking blind? Biden et al have been doing pretzels trying to keep this from spilling out of hand. You have to be blind. I assume you’re not an idiot. Maybe you are one of these people who are incapable of reading between the lines. Yes, in front of a microphone, Biden and anyone else says unequivocal support for Israel etc etc, however, at every other turn, Biden, Blinken, and every ambassador and negotiator is trying to get Israel to “Lessen ground operations”, “Allow humanitarian pauses”, “make a pathway for aid”, etc.

    I am probably farther left than you, politically, but you need to understand that in the same way that fox news, oan, newsmax, and whatever else can whip republicans into a frothy furor, left leaning publicans can AND DO do the same to lefties. It’s very easy to leave out nuance which provides context.

    I suggest spending some more time looking behind the headlines into what is actually being done, because it is a LOT. Israel is currently hellbent on being a bunch of self righteous jackasses, and so they aren’t taking a lot of advice. And a lot of the advice comes in the form of “I fully support you and we are behind you 100%, but man, I wouldn’t do that shit if I was you”.

    At this point I’m done discussing this with you. You seem to want to just cling to outrage and ignore nuance because it’s easier that way, and if that’s the case, then I’m wasting our time. Additionally, you keep trying to build a straw man, and I have little patience for that sort of thing.

  • Those arms you are talking about have already been appropriated by Congress, UNTIL 2028!!!

    But I’m guessing that you didn’t know that because it’s a lot easier to sit on social media and wax eloquent about how foreign policy should mirror morality.

    Even if we could stop the arms shit, it wouldn’t matter. Israel has it’s own military industrial complex and there are several other countries that would happily trade with Israel to give the US influence over the region a black eye.

    Do you understand? Israel does not NEED our stuff. Sure it helps, but you seem to be under the delusion that if we didn’t supply weapons they wouldn’t have any. That is woefully naive and incorrect.

    “But why do we give it???”

    To which I repeat: Foreign policy is about power and power coupons, not morality. This is the way it is, not the way it should be. Kissinger was a soulless ghoul, but he understood exactly what foreign policy is all about (which is the main reason why most of us hated him with a fiery passion). Nixon should have ensured that he took a long stroll on the deck of a submerged submarine, but alas, missed opportunities.

    Maybe one day foreign policy will resemble morality, but that day will not come for a very, very, long time. If ever.