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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Okay, here we go. I’m going to spit out some bullshit and home someone corrects me if I’m wrong. I’ve looked for some explanations and this is what I’ve gotten.

    Are you ready?

    The Factory Pattern.

    My understanding is that the purpose is a function to return any of several types of objects, but a specific type, not just an interface or whatever they might all inherit from.

    I think most languages now have something like a “dynamic” keyword to solve this issue by allowing determination of the type only at runtime. (To be used with extreme caution.)

    But most of the time I see the Factory pattern, it’s used unnecessarily and can only return one specific type. Why they would use a Factory pattern here and not just a plain old constructor confounds me.

    Am I off base?

  • It’s a problem on every niche community on Lemmy. Enough people are used to just trying the subReddit that if you create the subreddit there, people just show up.

    We don’t have that on Lemmy. You’ve basically gotta get 2-3 people to keep posting content and hope a few more find it on top > last X hours. But it generally takes weeks of throwing content into a void to get there.

    It’s why the meme communities are doing better. It’s a hell of a lot easier to throw two dozen memes into an empty void than it is to throw higher effort posts into the void. (It’s not an actual void. Maybe one in ten posts will get real interaction. That just feels a lot like a void when you’re putting in the effort.)

  • You’re supposed to include an approximate percentage of personal vs business use. Generally this isn’t really policed, but if it’s clearly 100% personal and you say it’s 100% business, that’s a disaster waiting to happen.

    Also using stuff like this while making less than a million a year is going to bump you up several notches on the “people to be audited” list.