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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Crazy when an authoritarian country like China that can just execute people when they don’t stay on message, get way off message and say shit like this. Boomer’s who bitch about people not wanting to work anymore, this lets me truthfully respond with “even with a gun to their head, today’s hopeless work is probably worse than death”

    Edit: Looks like I pissed off some tankies, too bad fuckers, China is an evil country with black souled sons of bitches at the helm, and that’s as an American with even more disgusting darker souled miserable sons of bitches at the helms of our branches of government. Get real and get over it. Xi is a Winnie the Pooh looking CUNT that can go fuck himself!!!

  • you are looked down on for it and marginalized

    You just said and exact quote

    you owe it to yourself to either tell them to get fucked or find a way to get them out of your life.

    When that list includes your own mother, father, siblings, supervisor at work, and SO, I think your advice is tantamount to amputating a limb because of the discomfort it experiences in life, as opposed to recognizing the issue. I’m taking what you’re saying as aloof to the very subject matter here, and hence the subject we’re discussing here in the first place. The idea of telling your loved ones to get fucked and get them out of your life is in line with the issue of suicide, depression, and anxiety.

    The depression from where you just became lonelier, and the suicide as many people see it as an “out”. You may as well just say, go kill yourself if you don’t like this world…and then we’re back to square one again.

    Either way, have a nice downvote for your terrible attitude. I hope you have something better to say than the old “toughen up” advice that constitutes what makes this fucked.

  • If you don’t have a reason to keep on living, you have to make one. Set your direction. You don’t have to live just to provide for others.

    It’s like you didn’t read what he said. You can do exactly that, set your own reason and start expressing yourself as you feel. The problem is that you are looked down on for it and marginalized. One of my best friends is gay, and he works in sales. He has to conceal much of himself to get by, and even in situations where he’s comfortable discussing his orientation, even amongst his own circles the issue of talking about your feelings is still difficult for people to accept.

    If it’s an issue for gay people, imagine how fucked it is for straight people. Your comment comes off as if you clicked reply on the wrong thing.

  • Hamas doesn’t stop murdering innocent civilians, deliberately targets civilians and avoids military targets, and then hides behind civilians.

    Israel needs to eradicate Hamas, but can’t do so as Hamas hides behind civilians. Options are to allow Hamas to butcher the innocent, or go after Hamas with civilian casualties.

    I don’t like it, but the extermination of Hamas is necessary. The Gaza civilians are in a terrible position if they withdraw their support of Hamas, Hamas will just execute them. It’s shitty, and terrible, but this is all on Hamas and only highlights the need for their removal.

  • So Israel is an invention from the last century?

    One that was internationally recognized and awarded sovereignty. Palestine was never a nation, and was agreed to be assimilated into Israel while retaining their culture and identity. It was when coexistence wasn’t enough and the insane extremists decided Jews should be eradicated.

    You’re ignoring several realities about the cowardice of Hamas and the shitty situation they PUT their civilians in. Nobody wants to “shoot the hostage” as you so ignorantly put it. The only monsters here are the people saying anything positive or justifiable about Hamas’ actions.

  • I call bullshit, on several fronts with what you said. Decades of crimes against humanity is unsubstantiated. What you call crimes against humanity is likely debatable at best and an outright lie at the worst. Hamas is a terrorist organization, and I agree with the sentiment that “Palestinians” are an invention from the last century. You have people who moved to the area under the Ottoman Empire, and the world decided back in 1947 that Israel shall again be a nation. When you have the despicable acts of the PLO and extremist organizations spring up from what appeared to be peaceful coexistence, this narrative about the light of Palestinians and the “freedom fighters” who cut infants’ heads off can go pound sand.

    I don’t want the innocents harmed either, but I do believe Hamas must be exterminated. If that means flattening a building that they’re hiding in and using human shields, so be it. The people who support Hamas are making their bed, and we should not be surprised by the humanitarian crisis going on when the cowardly Hamas militants hide behind innocent families.

    Exterminate Hamas, that’s my take on it. Don’t like it? Too fucking bad, it’s going to happen anyway and you can wring your lying hands all you want.

  • Shadywack@lemmy.worldtoWorld News@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    I’m seeing a disturbing amount of focus on what the IDF is doing, when I agree with your take on this. “But they do it too” is absurd. I heard one thing on NPR this morning from someone who has been part of previous peace talks, and his stance that the American response being “We stand with Israel” is awful for resolving the conflict. Palestinians lack security and means, which is what pushed them to violence. Israel’s response with more violence is going to be like putting gasoline on the fire.

    Hamas isn’t doing itself any favors, and having gone after a rave party with a bunch of youth, many of which support peaceful resolution and coexistence, is batshit crazy. The IDF going for body count with Hamas using human shields is also making this worse. Israel has a vast military superiority, and Palestinians stand no chance of an up front fight. Picking sides is choosing evil itself here.