A person with way too many hobbies, but I still continue to learn new things.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Then how come the NYT doesn’t equally cover the much more frequent recorded ramblings of Trump? Sure Biden has had some problems. Hell I frequently find myself rambling when speaking in front of a crowd and have to pull myself back on track and I’m nowhere near Biden’s age. However Trump does it pretty much at every single rally or other event he speaks at, so where’s the equal coverage of all these incidents? Where’s the calls to have Trump step down as mentally unfit and too old for office? It may not be fake news, but it is most certainly and overwhelmingly one-sided news.

  • At least I actually acknowledge that ALL of the candidates are shit and we need to try to pick the one who has made some effort towards improving some aspects. If we’re “shameless” then what do you call the people who support someone who can’t even acknowledge their own mistakes and blame everyone else when something goes against them? Everything is “rigged”? A court of his peers is rigged because he lost? A national election is rigged because he lost? Hell even TV networks are rigged because he lost “The Apprentice”. The man thinks he’s a literal god and that everybody loves him, yet his ego can’t handle when photographic evidence shows how few people care to support him.

  • So according to your own links, Democrats controlled the House and Republicans controlled the Senate after the 2020 election. And what’s your point? Anything as contentious as women’s rights can be passed by one chamber and vetoed by the other chamber. They still don’t have any authority to overrule SCOTUS, and they can’t pass something without support from both chambers.

    As I said before, your argument has no weight. If this were an easy thing to do, Republicans also could have passed a bill completely eliminating women’s rights in the past when they had full control of both houses and the presidency. Funny how they didn’t do that.

  • So you’re saying it was bad of Biden to take families and humanitarian considerations into account when when he passed his bill, and he should have just done the same thing Trump did? Plus Biden already knows it’s going to get shot down in court (just like Trump’s bill did) and therefore it has no teeth except for shutting down the whiny complaints of Trump.

  • Do we trust the guy who tanked his own party’s bipartisan bill just so he could still keep rambling on about there being a “problem” with immigrants? We all know Biden only made this change because conservatives can’t see part their own rhetoric about the border problem, they choose to ignore that Republicans won’t pass any bill regarding the border with daddy-Trump’s blessing, now will they acknowledge the fact that the number of people illegally entering has actually gotten lower under Biden.

    If the party on the right actually wanted to DO something about immigration, they could have done so already. This post is just another lame attempt to make a “both sides” argument while ignoring the reality of the situation.

  • It’s nice to see, but $40k is still a rich-man’s market. I’ve never paid more that $12k for a vehicle, and that was a fully-loaded SUV. No I do not buy anything new, and until there are enough used EVs to reach the $6000 market you still won’t see a significant number of them replacing older vehicles. I also tend to have high standards – my first car (a 1974 Pontiac) was driven for 24 years and over 300k miles. That was replaced by the mentioned SUV which I’ve now driven for 15 years and have no real problems with (I do need to replace the upholstery on the front seats soon). How do EV’s rate for reliability so far?