I’m sick and tired of the Capitalist religion and all their fanatic believers. The Western right-wing population are the most propagandized and harmful people on Earth.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Yeah, data can be beautiful - but is ugly if presented misleadingly. Only very little can be concluded from this ‘graph’ (without sources btw), but it is presented as if the inner west are the great core of enlightenment, spiraling out to the ‘dumber’ nations. The level of knowledge excellence is obviously related to the amount of dollu spent - which is nonsense. My equally valid opinion is that Western liberal/Capitalist education is exceedingly inefficient, and only optimized for wage-slavery. Notice how all the super ‘edumecated’ citizens from the west have been so easily propagandized to think that Russia is the bad guy. …China is the bad guy …socialism is bad …communism evil …Capitalism GREAT! We are the best!! …and so on and so on with similar infantile propaganda from the Capitalist elite. The average intellects in these ‘educated’ western nations is Embarrassing, and misinformation from constant propaganda doesn’t help much i’m afraid…

  • I sense a polarization brewing. Just an anecdotal observation oc, but I think a lot of people have placed human cognition/brain/experience on a huge pedestal - as something uniquely in a league of its own. It seem to me to be the same people also arguing against true artificial intelligence, arguing for free will or arguing that the mind have non-physical abilities. They also seem to ignore collective intelligence and focus on individualist intelligence, which makes them underestimate the difference between a human raised well now, and a 100% feral human without contact to collective cultural intelligence.

    I don’t know if its roughly the same group or if the observation is even valid, but the debate might become harder and more entrenched if it is. We will keep arguing over some disagreement that is really caused by some ‘unrelated’ belief structure.

  • The Western ‘free’ population is one of the most information censored/restricted populations in the world, and yet they are flabbergasted that China and many many other nations won’t allow propaganda from western oligarchs into their country. It doesn’t matter that an information firewall is the single most important military defense against the Capitalist information war. That’s btw why the western world are propagandizing their population for ‘free speech’, so we all can see that wevil China don’t want free propaganda, sorry, speech.

    The most amazing and Incredible is how hateful attitudes can be bought for a few propaganda dollars in the western for profit information market. So western people actually believe all the hateful things the western oligarchy says about China (and ALL the other enemies of the oligarchs).

    How convenient and completely coincidental that the western population have the same opinions about nations and world leaders as the top elite… Could it be that… nooooo… no no… Western news are the BEST, and no Capitalist elite would lie about something like that to their own population, oh no no…

  • Just an amateur opinion: If we think of science as a beliefsystem (a system to arrive at a close approximation of truth), it is much more adaptive than any other explanatory system. I think for that reason alone it will ‘win’ in the long run, but emotional systems will carry on/blossom in some form or another as societal breakdowns occurs, or if Science incentives gets compromised by ideology/money, thereby resulting in less trust.

    If we look at what science already know, some Physicists, (carrol etc) believe we already have an ‘engineering corpus’ of everything we see on a daily basis, but as soon as we look at the edges of non-human scales/focus there’s a lot to find yet.

    Even if we ever find a theory of everything and know all the primary forces, we still need to learn all the ways these forces can be combined, and we cant readily predict ‘interesting phenomenons’ down the line from an algorithm, so exploring will continue in our current reductionist exploration, but will perhaps pivot to a more holistic exploration. Steven Wolframs ‘ruliad’ is supposed to contain all possible combinations of everything and all their derivations (forgot the def. ;) ), and he talks about theoretical science realms that we will have a hard time even seeing/understanding. Some argue that the primary forces also varies across the universe. Chaos theory argue that it will take endless energy to collect endless dynamic data - even if we compress it into math/axioms etc. All exploration of chaotic space will take time to compute. Also, If we want to utilize our knowledge we need to either store/retrieve, or compute based on data/algorithms. In Billions of years this use/pursuit of knowledge will cost a lot of energy.

    There’s a lot to think about in such a question, but it’s interesting how we can send shit to other planets, but we completely lack the knowledge/technology to manage a large ecosystem, or organize our self in a way where we don’t harm each other or our habitat. The first is very easy compared dynamic systems. I don’t think we’ve even scratched the surface of what our dynamic systems can do for us if we learn to tame them.

    Anyway, in the long now, thousands of years, I think the system of Science will evolve, improve, but we will not reach 42. There will always (billions of years) be combinations of forces that we cant predict easily and some we have to explore/create to discover/enjoy.

    It got a bit messy, sorry…

  • Oh man, I almost shot myself in my foot here :) I saw an announcement about it a year ago, and wanted to throw you a link. However, I simply could not recall name, link or where I saw it. The official site didn’t mention it, so it took me 30 minutes to find this: https://github.com/SolidOS/solidos (Yeah!! I feel like Lemmy Hero right now :-D )

    I wanted to try it out and integrate the SOLID login system in Guix, but unfortunately got caught up with something else. If you decide to play around, I would be very interested in hearing about your experiences. Cheers bro…